Welcome. Okay, so now with this third part, we are really getting into the real, real meat of systems dynamics, we're going to be talking about the three operating levels that we work in, that we operate in, that we are immersed in. And if you really grasp even just a little of this, you will start to understand many things that are going on in your life and in your business, especially in your business. In this case, why things happen in a certain way, what what you do and how you do it. And New Horizons have been opened up for you new options, new alternatives, because up tonight, you probably were only focused on the very first level, the technical level. There's a lot lot more to that.
But let's start with that. We're gonna start exactly with the first level which is the technical level. For one thing, Just to make you understand why it's called the technical level, and why I chose that name instead of others, it's because it comes from the Greek word, technique, which means art. Now, it's not about art in the sense that, that we usually associate this word to so it's not about being an artist or doing paintings, no are more like an artisan, somebody who does something who produces something, and somebody who masters the skill, a competence and knowledge that enables him to eat direct with what is outside of himself, and therefore produce something that can be some utility for himself. And for others. That's why he called it the technical level.
So as you can see in the image, you see this blue circle as a matter of fact, you see In the circle, one is an outer circle and an inner circle. And in the outside circle are the effects. We're talking about success, about failure, about well being and uneasiness, about solutions and about problems. This is all part is the final part, the final portion of a process effect. You have no control over these things. We all look for these things.
We all aim at these things, but we have no control none whatsoever. And I'll explain why. And still we focus on that. And we spend energy and resources on achieving success and solutions and well being Oh, that. That's why I put it in the outer circle. That's the final effect where you cannot operate while you can.
Operate there real technical level is the inner with a lighter shade of blue. And you can see that you have all sorts of things that pertain to your business. So you're talking about marketing administration, it Learning Quality, logistic, finances, what have you, okay, all this stuff. And you spent on this about 95%, if not 100 some people will work all their lives, in your business, only operating on this at this level 100% there's nothing else that matters. But this because we figure if I want to have success, this machine, and I'm not using this word by chance, you'll understand later why it called machine. This machine that it happened is my business has to produce something it has to produce successfully.
I wouldn't have money. I want to have a position in the market. I want to have success. I want to be finished Want to be popular everyone to really make it make it big? Okay. And the only way people see how to achieve this success is by only focusing on the hardcore part of the of the of the business, which is, you know, hardcore management, the real core hardcore.
I'm not thinking about other things here, of course, it's the it's the central thought part of the final part. So, let's see what happens though, is that when we operate at this level, we feel that we have to master something that comes from the outside. None of the technical stuff that we know comes from within none of it. We might have some inclinations towards something. Yes, but we still have to learn it. I mean, for example, if you want to become a famous football player, you must have some kind of talent.
It's got to be in you. Okay, you not everybody is born of a football champion. by either the champions those who are born champions still have to master some skills. And that's the technical level. And that everything that you learn apart from what is your inclination, natural inclination, is all that belongs to the outside of everything that you've learned everything that you know, if you think about it comes from the outside, you have to go to school, you have to have parents that taught you things. And so it comes from the outside.
That's why you have this approach towards what's out there. And in fact, this is the level where you have the enemy is out there syndrome. In other words, you see reality as something hostile, something that you have to fight for. And if you see enemies everywhere, to the extent that you can become very paranoid, if you exaggerate, and you see enemies everywhere, and so that's why it's so stressful to work only at this level and you Work hard and you work solidly and you give it all all you can. But the problem is you only can get so far. Because your capacity to have success to have your success only working at this level depends on how well you have mastered the knowledge, the skills, the competencies that you have.
The reason why I said that he cannot change the facts is through what I call the metaphor of the mirror. Okay, because the effect is the image that you see on the mirror. You are the cause the reflection of your image on the mirror. That is your effect that is your consequence. Now, the funny thing is that we don't realize that but when we go Really Work hardly on the effect to reach that effect that is success and well being what I said before. That's just the reflection of the mirror, you cannot create that directly.
You cannot do that yourself, what you can do, and that's what it means to work systemically, is to create the conditions that will cause the image on the mirror to change. If you don't like your business at this time, or rather, you don't like the results that you're getting in your business at the moment. It's because you don't like that image. Now, what do you do? You don't try to chase the mirror. You can't change the image of the mirror.
And yet that is what most people do when they operate solely at the technical level. What you must do instead is that you have to create the conditions to change the cause and the cause you can work on things You can work, nothing effect and when you change the cause that is yourself, then the image of in the mirror will change, then you will have success. You see, it's a different approach. And this is very important that you understand when when it comes to systems, insistently don't change anything, you cannot change systems period, you cannot change reality period, you cannot change laws, period. So you have to do something about yourself in your approach on the way you see things. So you have to create those conditions.
For that we have to work on key types of problems. There are two types of problems that we usually tackle. One is what is called a contextual problem. A contextual problem is a problem that originates from the technical level and can be dealt with from there. Most problems are of this nature and you Once solved, they no longer show up. This is really to action.
So in other words, something happens in your office in your business. That is ordinary administration. Okay? A client calls and and say you have a little problem giving them an answer right away. That's a contextual problem. Okay, you find the answer.
You call him back and say he had an answer for you, or something else happens and machine breaks, or an employee gets sick, an employee that is very important to you get sick. You know, you solve that problem. It has nothing to do it systems. It's just things that you do. That's why they are contextual problems. There's nothing that you have to do for that you just go along, you use your technical skills to overcome those problems.
But there's a second type of problem, which is a structural problem. The structural problem is a problem that originates from a higher level. It has to be dealt with from there. Ultimately, even this problem has to be solved at the technical level. This is related to awareness, I'm referring back to what we did in the previous lessons about awareness and action. Until we do not become aware that the structural problem if it is structural, depends on what happens at the higher level, which we'll see after nothing will really change.
It's like the mirror it does not change your image does not change. So the situation in your business can not change. Whatever you do, until you keep insisting with that machinery entity strategies or that enemy is out there syndrome. Nothing is gonna happen. No matter how hard you work, you're not going to find the answers. This is the interesting thing about about this technical system then you have to the technical level which you have to understand