To insert the crown molding, we use the same techniques that we use for the base molding. I've saved an image to my Pinterest board. save it to my desktop, like I did before. I'm gonna bring the image into Photoshop. I'm going to copy the area in which I like to use. Copy, Paste.
I'm going to move it into the position in which I would like to use it at the ceiling and then adjust the size overall length. That appears to be right. I can adjust the need to make sure I'm on the correct Layer Layer eight. I can adjust the lighting of this again, just so to brighten it up a little bit. So there's some contrast with the wall. I'm going to duplicate this layer to use it for the side angle boss as well.
Move it over. I'm going to use the transform skew button again. And we start to move it into perspective. And again Am I need to zoom out. Get out the writing go. Remember, this is in perspective, someone that's disappearing towards you, and that morning should be a little bit larger than the corner.
Okay, so that looks about right. So we're going to duplicate that. layer will down or shift and move it over. Image rotate up layer, horizontal, center other side as well. We've finished all the architectural elements