Shall we continue the path for the meridian? sp sp stand for the spleen meridian. S P. The spleen is closely related to the stomach, just behind the stomach to release something to help act to digest. The Marin Dean is pass on the channel for the energy flows. The Meredith police schedule each one on a different time is similar to the Chinese one to three or to each one repressing one element in our life in our universe as we use a video clip to show you Starting from the top from here, think go inside, from inside the yo yo tie in go up, go up and from ball set the screen is energy in the function on the spinning okay and then just tell you closer. pancreases caught the mystery of the granary To control the attrition and assimilation of nutrients from the foot and the floats by probing the digestive enzyme it's an energy required by the stomach and the small intestine.
The spleen is a last organ the medical doctor, find out what is the function, what's the function so we look one access always to access for meridian for SP and I've been down mall and the mall. You cannot Don't force yourself to Imperium back here and then sit up and do for a few times. Then bend forward relax in here and and relax down few tabs laid on Friday to relax. Maybe your you can use less damage control to feel the flow of the things inside your body. So see you next time I said forget bye bye