As you create this amazing day online, you're your intentions for the things you want. Clear, all sorts, fears and connections that do not serve you. Relax your mind, body and soul Let go of everything and surrender to the power of the universe. Allow yourself to connect to the great consciousness as you breathe in. Breathe in gratitude everything you have As you breathe out, breathe out love for others, yourself and humanity. Continue this breathing cycle slowly inhaling and exhaling imagine sun is rising to begin with Your new amazing day it rises.
Colors. Meeting powerful energy to feel your day for your personal intentions and desires as this energy penetrates your entire being repeat the following mantras. I began In this brand new day, in gratitude for everything I had been given. I began this week on appreciation for every encounter. I began this happiness, knowledge I am connected Source Energy I began this day, feeling 100% safe, protected guided, empowered, supported, abundant, trusting and free. I choose for my hearts to be sealed.
Positivity, which is coded into every cell of my body. I choose to spend my day focusing my energy on the outcomes I want. I visualize my day flowing abundantly in kindness, creativity receiving allowing And living my full potential to reach my greatness. I choose to rise above anything that does not provide slope or positivity for my day I choose to embrace this day full of miracles potential creativity, growth, expansion and freedom to manifest the most incredible day I have ever had. Now remember this feeling and allow the energy to embrace you and join time for this day, no matter what you choose to create manifest please