Right friends, this is an emphasis on programming in Python. As we discussed that it's dot p wise the extension and we need to explore it with the very shell window of approach. The python shell window has a drop down menu with a prompt of greater greater greater three times greater than sign as prompt sign, and appears on the command line when new, the window and here we can type and even enter statements, or expressions for evaluation in the same way, probably as required. So it's a approach just like I used to have it in the toss. Remember, see prompt and a prompt and the prompt and all. Well on the other hand, the integrated development learning environment, talks about editing through menu options scrolling back with previous commands like cut copy, Paste.
The shell also has many items like File, Edit shell debug options, Windows and even help and approaches in an easy way of modulation and once the program is saved, it can be executed either by clicking run module or even using the function keys and f5. Here in this case, if there are no errors of the, of course you get to execute it. When we talk about the first program development program clicking on File select new file. It opens with a new text editor where you can write the program like for example hash prints the Hello World Hello Python print bracket open within quotes Hello Python quote close bracket close. And that's the Hello Python is executed by pressing the Enter key in this case and or probably press f5 or click on Run module. In the program the lines appear.
Well hash is the command line of comment, which includes a known execution command. And this will help not only to improve the readability of the program but provides a documentation of the logic of the program. So after execution, of course, you get a Hello Python written on the screen and that's the replication right. So something to talk about the variables and the operators in Python we have the approach of variables as the names given to data where we need to store and manipulate the values. For example, a is equal to 10. So variable e indicates a memory location by the term a where the value the constant 10 gets stored in the variable, the memory location right.
So of course, every time we declare a variable some initial value has to be given to it. And we can also define multiple variable builds like that of the data type followed by the value right. Accordingly as in other languages, the variable names are case sensitive. Normally, two conventions are used in Python to denote variables like probably the case notation or underscores is an approach where in the deal with this, and to run the program, we press f5 or the run module, and we get the executed result. We talk about the basic operators in our program, or the script we write in Python, which implicates to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Very simple operation like another languages for those of you who are using the other languages as well.
So it's pretty easy for you to learn Python. We have float division, we have modulus operator that is the person days given the domain exponent that is seven to the power of two, if I'm talking about x double asterik y. So, the approach talks about additional assignment operators like plus is equal or minus is equal equal into the variable plus two. So, the operators are used to perform operations on values and variables. They also used to manipulate individual items right and return a result. So the data items are referred to as reference or arguments to the point of approach and are represented as keywords or special characters, which cannot be used as variable names.
So the operators are arithmetic operators, the assignment operators, relational or comparison operators, logical operators, identity operators, bitwise operators and the membership operators. So all income with definition as We have arithmetic operators using arithmetic calculations like that of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, exponent, etc. And of course, there are various methods for automatic calculation in Python, like the views of the function of calculus calculation. And of course, if you write print X plus Y and X being 10 by being 20, of course, we get 30. So, that's the approach like any other programming languages, then of course, the comparison operators talk about the comparative analysis of values with equal not equal not equal to less than, greater than, and other formats. So this is the likewise we can try comparison operators like x is less than y x is w equals y, x exponential equal line that is not equal to BI.
Accordingly, we can use it then of course we have assignment operators. These are used for assigning the values of right operating to the left operand and various other assignments like that have plus equal minus equal multiplication equals equal. So if right num one is equal to 10, num two is equal to 20. print line one number one, not two. So that's the direct way of printing values and incrementing it to the very process right. So this way we can help out in learning about the compound statement operators are also there, where we can add, subtract, multiply right operate to the left and assign addition or any other manipulation in that format. Then we have the logical operators like that have not and for very well like any other computer programming language.
So here we talk about the logical operators in Python, using the condition statements, which may be true or false logic Operators talk about and or not for logical operators, the condition supplied, manipulate, and operator returning a true value in both the operates a true OR operator, it takes a clock, well, or operator returns the true value if either of the two operands is true and NOT operator returns true for print is false. So that's what we look at. Then, of course, the membership operators which talk about in or not in. And there are two membership operators that are used in Python. And here we talk about these operators test for the membership in a sequence, such as lists, strings, or duck lists, or turtles, we call it and that's what is the approach that if in the list, if x enlist, we print something else, we print something else.
So that's it. conditional operator being executed then of course, we have identity operators to compare the memory location of two objects, because you know, Python is an object oriented programming language so they learn about objects as well. The two identity operators used in Python are is and is not. So operator is returns true if two variables point the same object or false otherwise, whereas the operator is not, returns false if two variables point the same object and true otherwise falling operators are in a decreasing order of precedence, talking about the same identity. And of course we have operands in the decreasing order of precedence meaning exponent, multiplication, division, floor division, modules, addition subtraction comparison, assignment operators, identity operators, members, operators and above all the logical operators do come as a functional format. We need to remember why programming and Python about operators we need to declare the value for the variables being used when use the operator is the next we use the operator is not and run the code to get to know about the applications.
The next very important thing is the operator precedence right it determines which operator needs to be evaluated first. And in order to avoid confusion in values, the precedents operators are necessary and hence we talk about the very precedence order I discussed just a while ago. So there are keywords Python other reserved words in Python and should be used as variable constant cannot be used as a variable constant of course they are defined Words resolvers and not even be used as an identifier or a variable name. And we need to take note of these keywords, not to use them and otherwise we get runtime errors while executing the program. So tomorrow like and break continue, Dell ELLs exec for global import is not pass, raise, try with assert class def, LS, except Finally, from if n lambda or Brent, return y and E. So, these are the reserved words.
You can even Google it to find out better, right. So, we'll switch over to the next part of the program. Next part of the session with more of approaches on learning by 10 in the best of the possibilities stick Good bye bye