Hey there, everyone. I'm Lea Keesha novels your life transformation strategist. And welcome. Welcome back, you guys. So let's recap. Yesterday we spoke on forgiveness.
And I really truly hope that today Whoa, today. Do you feel free? Do you feel like your body has literally just lifted up from all the burdens that you had before? I mean, if you can't, you know what, let's stop and take a deep breath in my knees and Take another deep breath. Now if that doesn't feel good, I don't know what well. You see that how forgiving someone fills it.
Feels like oxygen being released in and out of your body and flowing so freely. Forgiveness allows you to flow guys. So today our step is talking about getting your house in order. So yesterday you forgave people, and yourself and today you're getting your house in order literally. Your life needs to have clarity, your life needs to be clutter free. Whether it's your house, your car, your office, your man cave, whatever it is, it needs to be cleaned.
And I mean, not in a literal sense, like think about it this way. Any time the winter comes, and all of a sudden, your car is dirty from all of the debris that those snowplow hours, like get on your car aren't too upset. Cuz I know I am. I mean whether I used to work at a concrete company, and when I would have to go on the yard. We weren't like around concrete. So all the concrete does is on my car.
And I'm curious guys, because now I have a dirty vehicle. So every single day, it didn't matter if I cleaned it over the weekend or Monday, it was gonna be messy. So it's like that. Think about when your car is so filthy in that you don't want to get in and really know. So but think about on a different note. Once you take it from the car wash, and they've vacuumed your car wiped it all down, it shine in.
You got some some good wax on it. Don't you feel like a new person? I know I do. So that's how it is to get your house in order cluttering Qataris only just like Phil's brain with film decluttering and getting things straight in your life. Oh boy, you feel like a new person, no different walk your head is the pie. Like you have a different talk, you have a smile on your face.
So today is the day. It's time to get to cleaning, spring cleaning time, okay? Or window cleaning whatever time it is that you watch this video. That's the time to start cleaning up your space. Because when you begin to clean, and when you begin to get things in order in your life, like literally, it just functions better. For anybody who has a spouse, and you live with another person.
Isn't it nicer for when they say Hey, honey, do you know where my XYZ is? my belt? Let's say your belt. Honey, do you know where my belt is? And because your house is clean, you can say oh yeah, babe. hanging up on the wherever you hang your belt out.
But when you clean your house when you get things in order, you easily know where to find them. So let's clean up our houses. Let's clean up our life. And let's store Alright, see you later. Bye