Hey there, folks. Hey, I'm Lucretia nevels, your life transformation strategist and we're back for yet another day. Here's a recap of your last step. A lot of you were talking about not being afraid to ask for help. So my question is, did you ask somebody? Did you phone a friend that you call a professional?
Did you get the help you needed? Did you? And now you have to ask yourself, are you honest? Are you being honest about getting that out? So I hope once again, you guys are learning and growing and getting stuff done so that you can soar in this next 30 days. So today, we are talking about stepping out of your comfort zone.
So let me ask you a question. How many of you are afraid to step out Up, think of it like this, stepping out of a comfort zone, especially for people who are going to use introverts. And your parents are usually quiet, easygoing, not as loud as extravagant as an extrovert. But many introverts will learn to step out of their comfort zone because, well, they have to to get around. Otherwise they're going to be trampled by an extrovert. So, think of it think of, Well think of this, use this as an example.
Say you're in a career, I'm going to use a salesperson, a salesperson might be able to sell water for well, and they may be able to treat a colleague or new person, the rookie, how to do the same. It's something they've done for years and they can do it with ease. But let that sink those person. have to sit in the office or let that same person have to be a photographer or something in they get stuck. It's because they're not comfortable in the space that they're in. But if you give it a little time, if you work at it, you'll be able to step out of that comfort zone.
You'll be able to, you know, learn to take pictures, learn to give the right angles, you'll be able to grow. You have to learn to step out of your comfort zone when it's time to soar. which simply means again, successfully overcome all roadblocks. You can't store if you're comfortable being where you are. Being able to step out of your comfort zone means letting go of the limits. You can't store if you continue to limit yourself from achieving greatness.
The only way that you're going to grow is to step out. So today, I need you to step out. I want you to write down. Write down a few areas in your life where you believe that you're stagnant, where you believe that you're free to grow. And when you do it, you'll see that number one, the cause you to think of why am I Why am I stuck here? Why cannot Why am I afraid to not grow?
Why do I want to stay in the same place? If it's causing me to not grow? They say that what is it? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again. expecting a different you know a different I'm having a brain fart. expecting something different to happen.
So let's not get insane you guys. Let's step out. Let's grow. Let's soar. I'll see you tomorrow. On the next step.
Don't forget to do your assignments.