Hey there. I'm the Keyshia novels and welcome back. I'm your life transformation strategist. And today Well today we're in for yet another, another good lesson. As a recap for yesterday we spoke about positive affirmation. And I hope that you gave us some thought and you looked in that mirror and declared some things over yourself, is what I really hope you did, so that you yourself will know who you are, and will never doubt who you are in spite of what others may say, or think about you.
Today we'll be talking about getting out the negative people and basically removing termites. Now anybody knows about termites, you know that it can literally destroy the foundation in which you create it in a home. So we're going to pretend that termites and instance are friends, family, especially She has anyone who is causing negativity and bringing you down and causing your intervene to be destroyed. So, having said that, it's very, very important to understand that those termites cannot, cannot cannot exist in your inner circle. Growing up, you always think about this, you will go to a park and you say, Hey, can you be my friend? my little daughter does that all the time.
And I said to her, I explained that you know, though you meet new people and everybody everybody's not going to be your friend and everybody should not be your friend. I said you don't even know their name. So look at it this way. If someone who is in your inner circle is always badgering you talking about you behind your back, and they're not being supportive, they're leeching on you. They're always borrowing But never give the relationship is always III but never we've, you know, those are the type of people who are termites in your life and they're literally killing your very being sort of, sort of speak. say if you have a an idea, and you present it to a family member, and that family member no matter what I did is they're never supportive.
They always say, Oh, well, you can't do that. And they just leave you like, why did I even saw them in the first place? They're termites, so your growth. So in essence, you you really have to work on getting those people, of course their family members, but you don't have to tell them everything. And they're your family members. They will be in your family, but you don't always have to be around.
You need to get to know the circle in which you have, so you can always invite people in your circle. So today, work on creating a list. People who are in your circle who are not giving you growth or providing good things in your life, and from a distance, just speak, but don't tell them everything. Don't give them your dreams, your goals and your visions. Leave that for people who are willing to push you and who really care. All right, so let's kick those termites out because they're destroying you.
Talk to you later. Bye.