Hey, it's your girl here again. Like he said I was your life transformation strategist helping you to get closer and closer to your goals and dreams and allowing you to soar successfully overcome all robots in your life. So let's recap what we've discussed. Yesterday you discussed taking the wheel and doing things afraid. So, again, I hope you decided that you will no longer allow fear to to change the way the course of your day and you will take the will take hold of your future and move. today.
You guys we are talking about applying the knowledge that you learned like what good is gaining knowledge and wisdom if you're not using going to use it. It's Like taking a college course and you don't even use it. When you get out of college, you've spent all that money you've spent all that time. And now you don't even use it, really. So what good is obtaining knowledge obtained wisdom, and not using the things that you've learned? So so far, you've learned a lot about yourself a lot of stuff about how you can just overcome some obstacles.
You've learned how to not fear, you've learned how to be honest, you learn how to take out, take a step out and create your own inbox. And you've learned how to eliminate the negative people out of your life. You've learned so many things. And hopefully, hopefully, you've thought about how you can apply each and everything you learn to your daily routine, so that you can grow and so again, today, you are going to apply. start applying if you haven't already, start applying the things that you've done in your life. I'm sorry, the things that you've done in this course to your life.
And you know, again, remember that knowledge is power, so don't stop learning. Alright, see you later. Bye