Hey there, folks. I'm like Houston levels, your life transformation specialist. And thank you again for joining me. I hope you guys are getting some great great Nuggets to soar in your life. So let's recap Shall we? So in our last episode or last lesson, we talked about not being afraid to change.
And so I asked you to think of some ways that you might be able to change your life some things that you can do starting now, to begin to manifest some great things in your life. So today's lesson will speak about not beating yourself up, lifting you guys life is a big lesson. The more we grow, the more we'll learn and the harder it will be for us to fail. That's right. The more we learn, the more will grow and the harder it will be for us to fail. Listen, look wrong.
Was not built in a day. So what makes you think that you'll be able to change in a day change takes time takes takes courage, change takes time for you to really manifest into a new person. So don't beat yourself up. Don't say that you have failed, just because you didn't succeed the first time. I know that this may be hard for you. I know that you've probably beat yourself up time and time again.
I know I have. I mean, you're looking at a person who has been homeless. A person who has been molested a person who has been abandoned. I was without my mom for so long. Not that I didn't appreciate my dad stepping in and being single father because I love him and respect him and adore him for that. But as a little girl growing up, you felt some kind of abandonment when you don't have your mom present.
And then having my first child, I did it alone. So yes, you're looking at someone who has over time and time and time beat myself up because I felt like I couldn't get it right. But at some point in your life, you have to say, you know what, no matter what the situation is, no matter how I feel, I have did my very best. And a my best is good enough. So today, I know that you might have struggled before, you might have said I'm going to quit smoking, or I'm going to get back to exercising again or I'm going to eat right or I'm going to be in my children's life or I'm going to go back to college. What But you might have said and you had felt before.
It's okay. I give you the opportunity today to say it's okay. But don't stop now. Don't beat yourself up any longer. So you didn't do it right the first time, or the second or maybe the third. But it's all right.
You have another day. You woke up today, and you were given another day to get it right you guys. So don't beat yourself up over the small stuff, or even the big stuff. You have yet another opportunity to get it right. Another opportunity to soar. We're going to overcome some things.
And I will be so elated to hear your praise reports and your testimonies. You guys. Look at yourself in the mirror and say I might not have did it right the first time with a Second time or the third, but today, I'm gonna get it right. And it's okay. All right, guys, I will see you tomorrow because we're all done with our 30 days to soar. Be blessed.