So we're diving into why self care is important. I wasn't really aware of the term self care until I took a course called Mental Health First Aid. And it really opened my eyes to a lot of the different afflictions that happened with mental health, but also the importance of being able to recognize signs before there's mental health crises. And the triggers that can set you off to feeling stressed, feeling anxious, feeling overwhelmed, feeling unmotivated. And so that course for me really helped me identify the things that I was already doing in my regular life, and made me more aware of what my triggers were. And then we're going to share with you later about how you can kind of build an action plan for if you start to feel anxious, overwhelmed, tired, stressed out, the things that you can do to prevent it to prevent a burnout, which no one really likes to be in that kind of situation.
But I'm sure if you're if you're learning about this course, you've probably experienced a few of those symptoms. Yeah, one of the main questions we always get from people is up, how do I get started? I don't really know how to even embrace this healthcare into my life. And that's a really fair question. It's not easy. We all know when we feel bad.
It's very difficult to remember when we feel good. And why is that happening? Why we're feeling well. So the first thing that you need to do is to start monitoring. When are you feeling well? And when Are you not feeling well?
And then what are you doing in those situations? Who are you with what activities are in which environment? So once you start diving into that process, you will start identifying, oh, I'm always feeling well when I'm doing this, or when I am here, are when I am with this person, and I am feeling really bad when I'm doing this. And they're aligned with that person. And then you will start questioning why why is that happening? Why do I feeling that way?
And that's going to help you start identifying those things. Another exercise that is really good is start experimenting. expose yourself to something new, something different that you normally don't do. Yes, Sarah time like, Okay, this week, I'm going to try this or in the next three months, I'm going to just experiment new things, new activities, I'm gonna meet new people, I'm going to take new courses, whatever that means for you, and start monitoring how you feel. And then you will start finding out what works for you. And then you will be able to start building that recipe that's going to help you have to have a balanced life.
There are some some people who tend to give so much of themselves all the time and they forget to look after the person that is themselves. And we always use the analogy if you've ever gone on a plane, they always say when the oxygen oxygen mask drops from the ceiling, you were to put your oxygen mask on yourself first before helping anyone else on the plane. And that being you're no good to anyone if you don't have oxygen to breathe. So it's the same with self care. It's really important to fill your cup to feel well yourself before you're ever able to help someone else. You're coming.
From a place of feeling good, as opposed to if you're already overworked, if you're already overwhelmed, and you try to help someone, you might be able to lose your patients more quickly or start to feel resentment, and none of those things you want to do. But it's because you're not helping yourself first. And it's not about ego. It's not saying that you're ignoring everyone else's plate instead of your own. It's about making sure that you're looking after yourself so that you can be your best self around other people. The things that self care can help with is making sure that you're not taking those periods of burnout and and then that affecting the rest of your life.
So, monitoring again, those triggers those warning signs. And as Emilio said, you have to learn what those are, you have to start being more conscious and more aware of what those signs are so that you can prevent them. Yeah, in this course, we want to help you to build that self care kit for yourself with all the steps all the activities that you can do. To make a shift, to make yourself feel better, I want to say from my own experience, it is really easy to forget about this, it is really easy to do all the work for it somewhere. And then life gets busy. Kids work, household chores.
Life is busy in general. And it's really easy to just get busy, and just forget. So it's really important to have that list somewhere that you can see it. And always remember, when you don't feel well look at that list, and just do something from that list that doesn't require a lot of time. In my case, every time I feel bad, I forget that I can go for a walk with myself. And just five minutes is enough to calm me down.
Five minutes, it's enough to solve the problem that I was stuck with for the past three hours. I just go for a walk, I just do something that inspires me, it relaxes me. And all of a sudden I go back to that activity with a challenge. And I have a completely different perspective. So just keep that in mind. It's very easy to forget and this is our constant work.
It's gonna be a constant work for the rest of you. Light, but it's really rewarding and it can be enjoyable. This is something that's supposed to be a bit empowering. It's a bit inspiring. You can become someone who is your own Mental Health First Aider and we encourage you to keep watching yeah