All right, so today I'm going to share with you how you can use this one strategy to resolve anxiety. There are quite a few, but this is the one that has really helped me and others, and it's called eye movement integration. resilient individuals also feel anxiety and frustration, but they employ strategies that will move them past those feelings. Now, you also have to understand that you will feel stuck in life, you will feel like your back is against the wall. But when you undertake this new strategy, you will learn how to move forward. The other thing that you also have to understand is that our brain is programmed that way Thanks to our ancestors in the past where they could either freeze when they have any issue or they would flight, right, so you've heard the freeze or flight whenever we're faced with fear or a challenge or an obstacle in life.
However, many people don't know this, that you can change the way you think. And that is with the movement of your eyes, you can change your neurology and the way you think based on the movement of your eyes. And in behavior science, we have learned the language of the eyes, the eyes are the window to the brain. And when I'm coaching someone, I actually look at their eyes very closely and I can tell what they're doing. So to give you a good example, if someone's talking to you, and they're looking up all the time, they're actually making images of what they're trying to tell you. So when the when they're looking up, they're more visual When their eyes are going side to side when they're talking to you, or when they're listening to music, or when they're trying to construct sounds, it's because of the auditory self talk or the auditory sounds that they're trying to either remember or create.
So to give you a good example, if I were to tell you what's this ad from, or what's this ad about? dun dun dun dun. Guess what that is. It's McDonald's. And so your eyes moved a certain way to remember that sound. And if you're a musician and you're trying to construct a sound, again, your eyes will move to left or right.
If someone's looking down to their right, so your left, they are accessing some feelings. So when I'm coaching someone in the look down to their right, I know what to ask and I ask how are you feeling what is going on? And if they look down to their left, then they're having an internal battle. Long, so I know what to ask them to. And I'll say, What are you thinking in your head. So now you know my secret when I coach.
So now similarly, the way to remove anxiety is learning how to do figure eights with your thumb. So let's start your thumb, you want to put it about six inches in front of you. And again, this is eye movement integration, also known as EMI. So it's right in front of you. And what your job is, is to think about the issue that is bothering you where you feel stuck or challenged, things like that. And then I want you to do figure eights without moving your head.
So you're just moving your eyes is you do figure eights with your thumb. And you want to voice out the issue loudly so that you can hear it. There's a difference when you're thinking about it and where and when you're actually hearing it. So here you go. You do figure eights up and down and then side to side. Now I'm going to look at my thumb by and I'm looking at you, but after look at my thumb.
So there you go. And then I'll go up and down and twist it and up and down. And you keep doing that voicing out your opinion for about a few, a couple of minutes or so. And then you flick it out and you go, there you go, you're done. And you'll find that you start feeling better. I know this sounds kind of different.
And it seems almost weird. But trust me, when you do this, and you do it often, you will almost feel like you're in control of your brain, you're in control of your thinking. So here's one strategy that you can employ right away. Thank you. Until next time, you will find another strategy that I'm going to share with you here pretty soon. Bye now.