Did you know that Sufi dance into a spin So it puts them into a meditative state? Have you noticed that when water drains it spins as it drains. In fact, our entire nature of our universe is based on spin, the earth, the planets, the sun, the moon, and even electrons. dynamics spin release is based on the principle that all our thoughts, our patterns, our limiting beliefs, our emotions, our physical symptoms are based on an unconscious spin quality. Dynamic spin release is also known as DSR and was developed By my mentors Tim and Chris Hogan, who taught me the process, and I have to tell you, I was skeptical at first, but the more I used it, the more results I got. And the great thing is that you can see the results within 10 minutes.
Now I'm going to teach you the process to overcome anxiety using DSR, but I really want you to have an open and curious mind. Before we get into the process, I want to share with you four foundational principles of DSR now there are 10, more so altogether 14, and you'll find the extra in the handout. In the section here. However, the four main ones are number one, negative emotions and negative states. Spin in one direction, while positive states and emotion spin in the open It direction. Number two, never spin an image of a person, what you could do is spin, how the, the, the negative feeling that you have about the person.
Number three, never spin an image of a body part or an Oregon, instead spin the symbolic representation of the pain or problem that you are getting from that body part. So, for example, if it's a headache, we don't want you to spin your head or your brain, okay, but a physical but a symbolic representation. And the last one, every spin has a metaphor that comes with it. That hidden metaphor is a resource to you, that you need to solve your problem. Okay, so Click on the next video to get started.