Welcome back everyone and in this actor essential video we are going to be talking about how to scale actors. And to help in this discussion I'm once again going to be bringing in our static mesh chair. Right now we are in movement mode and we know we are in movement mode because we see this three arrowed widget. To jump into scale mode, you can use the spacebar once will jump you into rotational mode, the second time will jump you into scale mode and again, spacebar will just circle you between the different modes. If you don't want to use the spacebar to toggle between them and you want to jump directly to scale mode, you can tap the R as in Robert key, and that'll jump you directly into scale mode. Alternatively, if you are in one of the other modes, you could simply click on this button right up here to jump into scale mode as well.
So there are a couple ways to go about scaling an actor. One is to simply drag any of these handles here, you can drag it this way to scale it in the y the green coordinate system, you can drag it right here, along the X or red axis here, or the blue, which is the z axis. If you don't want to go about scaling it that way, by pulling on any of these handles, you can punch in some values over here. Something to note here over in the Details panel. If you click any of these yellow triangles right here, it'll reset it to its defaults to 111. So if I want to make kind of a couches looking shaped chair here, I could punch in a value for like, say four for the y and that'll, I'll stretch it out and make it look rather fat.
One thing to note here is you can scale in multiple dimensions at the same time, you don't necessarily just have to Drag on one of these handles just as a movement mode you can drag off of any of these corners right here. So right here I've got the X or the red and the green y both highlighted and if I drag from here you can see that I am scaling it in two directions at the same time. Good to know, just like movement mode and rotation mode. This too has some snap settings associated with it within your selected viewport. Currently, with this button selected and highlighted orange, you can see that I do have skill snap settings enabled. turning it off means that if I scale it in any direction, I will scale it in very, very small increments.
When I have it turned on, that means that these snap settings are applying and you can change these at your leisure. If I change it up to something like one and then scale it you can see it skills in much larger increments. Well that is going to do it all for this discussion on how to scale actors. We will see you guys in the next one.