Hey, welcome back in this video, I just wanted to take you to fiction press.com a great place to find books and material that's already been written and then offer and then offer the author, no money to buy the rights, okay? So really what you would do is just come in the fiction press comm you can go check out their communities and forums, you'd sign up right here. But really all you got to do is just go and choose a category that you may be interested in. So let's say that you're interested in let's just say you're interested in action. Okay. So you want to write an action novel?
Well, all you do is you would come down and just take a look at the books. The ones that have reviews are good because they kind of let you know what people think this one's got a lot of good reviews. Okay, Sneed. Come back. And you can just scroll down and take a look at the book if you like it, and it's something you want to try to buy, you can always send a message to the author and just offer, you know, two 300 bucks to buy come complete rights for this work. Okay, they're not always going to go for it.
But this is a great way to do this, you can also just google PLR and find all kinds of PLR private label rights material that you can actually purchase the rights to now. And when you purchase PLR, you may not have the exact you may not be the only person. Now when you purchase PLR, you may not be the only person with those rights. So keep in mind that you need to edit it and tweak it and usually you need to add to PLR. Anyway, they're usually pretty basic, but you can always hire a ghostwriter to do that for you. So you can use fiction press to find good work and just buy you know the rights to that completely.
Okay, so A great resource to do that, especially if you're a fiction writer, and you're trying to publish a fiction book on Kindle.