Okay in Python programming we can also use the goodbye method. So, we can do something that is the air dot group hi okay then we put in the variable name sepal length okay then we can get the mean or the cow okay. So we cannot mean here okay dog mean okay then we can run the code here that we have all the mean for all these columns of the rubber and all these are the mean and we group the variable for this sample and so, all these variables are like the other say Are these Viva la la de groups. So, are these are there there was value He has to be unique. So if I say I grew by species it will be more clear so I run the code I have adisa Soto sighs let's say the main bodies are suppleness bye The sepal width and minutes 3.418 petal length minus one pile forces for tighter with the mean is 0.244 then we can also get a cow also.
Okay we can also get a count so that we can run the code. So for Certosa, we have 54 these are sepal length 54 these are separately 54 petal and 50 for this petal V is