Okay in Python programming, we can process some of the interactive charts. To do that, we need to go to the ISA way in Python, the Python we need to go to the Python command prompt. So we need to go to the Python command prompt and we need to type in PI install from me. Okay, well my one I have already I studies are probably going to use probably we can do something like this Probably import plotly import probably the graph objects and school import plotly though graph objects as cool and then in pop and ISD PD, so we read a CSV I read CSV here, there are you can use these plotly functions you probably don't have lifelock Okay, so those should be after the DF to the after the DF social v some tea probably doc She'll be all da da, da, da da da da, apply the crop.
Okay, then we need to put in the data and layout here. So we need to open the braces. Open braces, okay, then we need to pull our data. Data then we use our go dot scatter S equal df SEPA wave dot two lists, y equals sepal length. So we can do something like this. So go dot scatter.
Okay, go das gotta S equal D. S equals df SEPA ln y equals df set, we w two in dot two lists. And then we need to enter square bracket and scatter knee to the capital letter. So the in a square bracket here, yeah capital letter and then here, then here we need to add in to lease so.to lease Yo so not too late okay then do a comma here and then layout. So, comma here and then layout should be go dot layout. Title equal Hello. Okay so go doc they are.
Okay. title. So title equal Hello okay It should be something like this. Okay, then we can in auto open equal to true. Auto open, equal to true. She'll be semicolon here then we can run the code.
Okay, so we have an interactive chart here. So when we playing trivia at sama lobby call these numbers and pega here so we call this our interactive Archer.