In Python programming we can also use the power cord seabone to pro chop which will be nicer and more advanced or more at a higher level. So, to use the Bani Python we can do something like this. So, we need to import Seabourn as SNS. So, in Part C born as SNS, we can use SNS stock categorical prop S equal space species wide petal length Okay, so SNS SNS SNS, SNS, categorical Prop, okay, S equals species KY sepal and S equal species by title no sepal and y equal sepal length we can put in the chi Koba the Thai Katia. So Chi equal bar data is the key then we need to put in the SN s dot set style dot grid. So we can put in the style here, then we can run the code.
So, you run a call as you get a batch of something like this