Okay, so, in these are python programming and when we use these are probably we can also produce a scatterplot. So we can do something that is a trace equal go dot scatter and S equal df y equal more equal markers and name eco markers. So we can do something like this. Okay, so trace equal go dot scatter. Okay, go dot scatter, then S equal d f y equals df then x equals the line y equals df SEPA we've Okay, we should use our comma here see the PowerPoint slideshow use a comma here more equal to markers name equal to markers. So, mode equal to markers and name equal to markers okay then a semi colon then visual layout equal go to layout layout equal gold or layout okay so we can put something like this here title equal Hello was show like john equal to true so, data equal how Lo Wah show legend equal to true and then a semicolon then the tie was trace and then semicolon data equal trace okay then we can put in something like this here.
So we can remove these and we change this to data. Then they are we change these two they are heavy into something like this then we can run the code So your scatter product is interactive. So I will say this for me is better than the previous for me. So let's say if I want to add in another trace or another chart, I can just copy and paste, and then I in a trace to here. So to plot scatter plot, we can just set some settings IDs. Then we can also set some settings whether they are and set some of the show legend is equal to true we can also set the SS and the y axis that we have data here.
And we can just put in the data here, and the layout here. And you'll get a scatter plot. Visual be interactive.