Fiery Warm Up

The Elemental Sensual Dance Program Fire: Access Your Passion and Your Inner Fiery Goddess
10 minutes
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Welcome beauty to our fiery warm up. Let's start with our fingers flicking like flames. moving your body side to side and letting that flame go up the side to your chest and back down to your hips. really feeling that motion and the body. moving up and down. dieted side with your fingertips really activating you, waking up that inner fiery being and allowing this pleasure.

And pausing here at the top of your chest, circle it out. Allow your fingertips to really touch you, wherever you want. Beautiful and move it down to the hip. Yes, circle it around here taking that time to let your flames lick over your body. Beautiful and keep that motion going up and down. Yes.

Feeling this beautiful motion, feeling your fingertips on your body pretending like they are hot flames, really bringing heat to yourself, paying attention to your movements. Yes and pausing again at the chest, circle it out. can even go up to your heart to your collarbone wherever feels good. And circle it out here. Just explore and play with this energy beautiful and die decide really accentuating the sides of your body. Beautiful hands or pause and fingers start up again and circle the hip.

Lovely. reversing that circle again playing here with your fingers and where they were Want to go on your body beautiful, and widen your stance. Let's bend and pull it in and pull it in a little quicker motion here and really squeezing your core as you bring in your hands into fists. Yes, powerful stuff here really activating the core. Being very decisive in our movements. And out to the sides and in side and in really blade like hands and very closed fists on the way in squeezing, activating that heat in the body generating that passionate side of you.

Yes, and out to a V shape and down in V shape and in. Yes, so strong, really cultivating that passion that fiery energy beautiful Yes and swooping on arm over the head, sitting into the opposite hip. Just switch here side to side, a little gentleness. Honoring this passionate fiery energy that's coming out to play, warming up the body and allowing this to go deeper. So really staying into the hip, scooping the head and your hands around and switching over to the other side. Allow yourself to grow to get bigger here cultivating that flame.

Beautiful, and let's switch back and forth here. really sharp arms, sharp movement up to the diagonal. Play with the shape here a little bit more angular out to the side, really playing with a little bit of quicker movement. Looking down at the diagonal as you do this, and over to the sides as you do this, yes, paying attention to the long lengthened arm and bringing it towards the top of the diagonal, beautiful and accentuating your chest too as you do this movement, like you're breathing into it. little quicker breaths for this. Beautiful and shake it all out, shimmy it out, really shake those shoulders, your chest, back and forth.

Really allow yourself to release to play and have fun here. Shake it. Yes, getting all fired up and bending your knees. Same thing with your hips. Really loosen it up, shake it out, like nobody's watching. Amazing.

And let's flick our foot forward into the side forward to the side. Yes, really strong movement here and switch over to the other side. Really kick and slick kick and flick. Have fun with it. Play with it. Yes.

Amazing and over to the other side again, flick it out goddess. Yes, cultivating that fiery energy and really kick and flick, kick and flick really decisive energy here. Yes. Kick it out. Lovely. back to center.

Cross arms in front and then open them up cross an open, really strong blade like hands. Yes, sharper movement, adding the knees bending and opening up, bending and opening up. Yes. saying no to the things that do not serve us and letting it all go. Yes. And thing bent here, circle out the hips, really activating the core, really bringing that heat in that passion that fire and releasing the arms back again.

We're going to switch the crossing of the hand circling the hips the other direction. And slowly release those arms back. Keep those hips moving. Beautiful. Crossing the arms again sharp, and circle it out with the hips. Yes, and slowly release.

And cross fiercely to the other side and circle it out here. Amazing, really cultivating that passionate, fiery energy in your body releases releasing, crossing and down, arms out to the sides to the top fingers, licking down the sides of your body and up down the sides of your face and gently come up, sitting into the hips slightly and come up really feel the flames licking the sides of your temple. Your cheeks, your neck, bringing that heat to your sides of your face. And playing with the hip here too at the same time so fun. Yes, little quicker movement is good and release out to the sides. Shake it out without shimmy.

Yes. So fun, really loosen it up and bend the knees. Same thing with the hips, shake it all out. Lovely. Release the arms down. And let's swoop here side to side.

Really accentuate the arm as it comes down the body and pushes away. really working on burning away pushing away energy that does not serve us. Yes. So be fierce with it here. Be bold in your movement. You are allowed to channel this energy.

Push it away. Be firing in your motions. Yes. to claim your body and really move it side to side here sweeping over and over. Quick emotions good. Yes.

And back to center, hips side to side. Hands come out again sharp arms are gonna swoop in and swoop up and around. Like you're balancing candles. Take a moment to play with this motion, circular down towards the body, and then towards your face. Neck, you're really balancing candles, flames here, lay with this motion. It can be a little challenging, but it's fun once you get it and reverse it.

Coming down and around and presenting out and through. Yes, just play with the pathways that are naturally swirling in you can always slow it down to To make it easier, yes and present the flame out and dancing your hips lifting one heel up and then the other. Play with it. Bring those hands in towards your heart. Beautiful palms together. We're working on growing our fire our flame here all the way up to the top.

Lay side to side with it. Lovely and slice it down. Elbows leading. Yes, getting into the hips. Heart Center, just the hips. And again, growing up flame moving and all the way up to the top.

Lovely, passionate, fiery energy and let's go ahead and slice it down. Elbows are leading this motion. Beautiful into the hips. Hands will pause at the heart center. Hips, hips, yes. And really feel this big flame coursing up and down your body.

Yes, amazing all the way to the top. And from the top let's finger lick all the way down the body. Congratulations beauty that was our fiery warm up.

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