Wild Woman Routine

The Elemental Sensual Dance Program Earth: Access Your Stability and Your Wild Woman
15 minutes
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Welcome to the wild woman routine. Let's start by getting in touch with the ground. So laying down on our tummies move around here. Really feeling yourself on the floor, stretching and moving. Beautiful. Getting in tune with yourself and the floor.

Really feeling the sensations here, yes. And booty up up to our table top position and slowly settles so that you're sitting on your heels and here we go. Arms trace on the floor, onto your thighs all the way up to hugging and roll that beautiful neck out. Yes, allow this opening and sliding your hands back down on crossing and crossing over the other way sliding up the legs of the body, through the shoulders and rows. out the neck the opposite direction this time. Yes, awakening that wild woman and sliding down.

Crossing over other side ladder. Really slide up the body and fold forward here rolling back and forth. Thing hello to your beautiful spine. Yes. And sliding the hands on Crossing The Crossing back up to that hugging position and dipping forward this time rolling through the spine. forward and yes, no hands down the body, open up the knees and circle it out here.

Yes, getting wild, beautiful and reversing the circle. Closing the legs, hands up the body and spread it out and all the up and spread it out. Yes. And all the way to the top and out. Lovely. Knees open up again, hands up to behind your head and circle your chest out here from this position.

Yes, powerful, strong. and slide it back down. Closing the knees together, opening up the thighs. Again, hands up the side to the head and circle it out. Yes. Amazing.

And down the body, close it up, and open it up. Yes, enjoy it. Hands up. behind the head and circle here. Beautiful hands down the body. Close leg, open them up.

Enjoy it, and hand up. circle it out. Beautiful. Strong here hands really touching, closing and opening circle from this position? Yes. Close it and open circle the other way.

Amazing to the center and let's slowly come back down to the ground starting from the beginning where we're just moving around here. Whatever is calling to us. sliding around stretching around of feeling yourself on the floor getting grounded, literally. Yes. And slowly peeling off the ground. Getting to sitting on our heels again.

Starting with our hands crossing to hugging, roll that neck out. Yes. sliding the hands down. uncrossing recrossing up the body and roll it out other way activating our touch here amazing slide it down recross and bending forward and back allowing this rocking and forth motion to feel good to your body and on cross recross. And again, just dipping down getting a little wild with it. Feel like throwing back your head you can.

Yes, open up and sliding your hands, opening up the knees and circle it out from here. Yes. Beautiful work love closing again and opening, hands up decides to the back of the head and so Clip from here. Beautiful, strong, powerful position, hands down, close it up and really allow for a space to open up here. Add your own flavor to this movement. Yes, feel it.

And let's play your open up to the side hand down the side of the body planting the hand other side extend and hand caresses you can add a little body roll here for fun. And over to the other side expanding here and roll it on down your body touching yourself. Yes in and expanding out straight leg and beautiful roll through. Yes, over and open and roll it on down. Yes. And thing in the middle dipping our shoulders down to the side and side.

Yes, getting primal and circle around. And circle around the other way. Yes play here. amazing feeling to what your wild woman wants to do in this moment. I decide Oh, yes. And hands on the earth, exploring here.

Really embodying the creature side of yourself. connected to the earth. Yes, crossing our hands playing here. Really feeling the ground swooping over. Yes. Amazing.

And getting our feet under us swaying back side to side here. Really embodying this creature this Earthling. Playing side to side. Yes. And let's settle over to one side and he dips down and circle your torso around feel good and this amazing. support yourself.

Awesome. On the other side, knee goes down hand on the thigh or the knee and circle around here. Yes. Back and forth. circle it out. Amazing over to the other side.

Yes, open up here. Super sensual. Feel it on the ground is always got your back. Beautiful. Back to the middle, side to side here and gently sit down and doing the same motion circular and getting the heel lifted up for a little extra space. Nice and lean over to the other side.

But it's flat to start. And then lifting that heel for a little extra. Yes. So good. tuck it in either side. Keeping that heel lifted, beautiful, really feeling your hand supporting you on the earth.

Make it intentional. Yes. Great work and starting from the beginning, lounging on the floor and moving around here allowing yourself to feel all the surfaces you're in contact with how your body moves over it. You can even touch yourself here. That's what wants to come through in this moment for your wild woman. Beautiful and let's arch up his time.

Food he goes back. Yes, taking our time. Slowly settle into sitting on our heels, whatever that looks like for you in this moment, shifting. Moving nice and slow here. You're beautiful and starting crossing and our neck rolls. Beautiful.

Allowing each time that you do this to open up a little bit more in a new way. Crossing the other side. Yes. Amazing. And uncross the crossing and dipping forward and back really moving, undulating forward and back. Beautiful uncross really feeling yourself here.

Really hug yourself here and dipping forward and back. Yes. Enjoy it. Activating the wild woman. Here we go. Open up the legs, chest circles, a yes and other way feel it And close legs.

Open it up. hands go up behind the head again circle yourself around. Back down the body. Closing the legs wild woman opens up the legs. Yes. And circle around.

Play. Have fun here. hands go down. sensually close it up. Open it up. Yes.

Allow this power to come through you beautiful closing an opening up. Yes. Lovely hands go down together. And over to the side. Open up and roll it down. Yes.

Again, planting the hand extending out and roll it on through. Beautiful in and out. Roll it down. Yes, expand really feeling the support of the earth here pushing away from it? Yes. Nice straight leg that's extended in and out.

Feeling strong. rooted. Yes. And let's get primal with it. So crawling around, really playing with the ground here pushing off crossing over, playing with different weight levels that you can put on your hands. Yes, into the middle.

Dipping our shoulders around in a circle. Yes. And again, this is your exploration. Beautiful side to side. All the way around. Yes.

And sliding your hands back, getting on your feet. I decide a little creature coming out to play Awesome and really explore here allow a little other wild motion to come through dipping the knee down and really roll it through enjoy this. And wild woman goes to over to the other side and yes, circle it around. Super grounded. Yes. Other side.

Really feeling all the points of our body that are on the ground at all times. That's really the focus here. We're dancing on this earth and tucking in sitting and doing the same motion. Slowly shifting over to the other side. Yes, circle it out. Feel it.

Sitting back and switching the legs. Yes. thing. Keep it going strong. Yes. Amazing.

Beautiful. And hands on the ground back and forth. Again here a little creature stands playing and straighten the legs up behind you still swaying side to side. You're going to put your hands on your thighs behind you and slip up. Yes, such a juicy motion, hands up the body, release it down. And let's get in touch with our wild side here.

So, stomping side to side, flexing our hands opening up the chest, getting low, really feeling it here and now touching the ground. Yes, get wild here. Twist open if you want amazing, really strong in your feet in your connection to the Round, honoring it. Beautiful hands down, slowly roll up. Peeling up to the diagonal, slowly melted down. Super Amazing.

Open up closing over to the other side and roll it up and down the body. Again, bending the knees open up through the center. Yes, knee dips in and roll it up the other side. Amazing. Keep it going really open up in the middle. See where you want to go.

And it play. Yes, you can feel free to touch whatever part of your body wants to be touched right now especially as you come up. Is it your heart that wants to be touched? Open up? Yes. Or is it the size of your face?

Beautiful. Amazing. Keep it going really squatting through the middle. Oh yeah. And so I decide here play with your hands. Getting over all All the way back down to the ground ending.

How we have started a beautiful yes really feel the ground here. amazing work and congrats wild woman that is our earthy routine beautiful work.

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