Fiery Cool Down

The Elemental Sensual Dance Program Fire: Access Your Passion and Your Inner Fiery Goddess
10 minutes
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Welcome love to our fiery cooldown. Let's start with our hands coming around our heart center, generating some heat into our core. Beautiful, just circling our hands around here, bending the knees a bit, opening up through this part of the body. Yes. And palms together, really move them up and slightly down, blade like hands here. Just play with this swinging motion, touching together and pulling apart.

Yes, stay here and circle the hips around. Gently cooling down the body and reversing the hip motions. Yes. And moving the hands through the center and out to the sides, again into the hips. allowing yourself to loosen up up, open up, reverse. Yes.

And release the hands down. Step over to one side hand on the side of our body and step to the other side. Really leaning here side to side. Allow your hand to slide up. Yes. And down, sliding it up.

Beautiful and over to the other side. Really allowing a bit of a neck stretch to happen here at the top as you lean over. Yes. Feeling good. Feeling the sides of her body's beautiful and take a moment here to circle around your sides and bring your like up. beautiful little massage here what feels right for you in this moment.

Amazing over to the other side, same motion of gently circling around the sides of your tummy of your hips and sliding the foot in and up. your other leg. Lovely really massaging yourself here. Yes. And to the center. Let's fling one hand out and chest forward to the center, chest forward.

And back up. Chest pulls forward. Yeah. Center down. Ha, ha, ha to the middle, inside. Ha, ha, ha.

To the center and up. Ha ha ha really accentuating the chest throw. Hey, hey, hey. Yes, it's really adding this quick breath is helpful. Yes, please feel it. Activate yourself here.

Yes. And gently float that arm down. Other side down. Ha, ha, ha. Bring it in into the side. Yes.

Yes. Yes. In an up. Beautiful activating chest. Doing a very sharp fling of the arm. Direct eautiful fiery.

With passion. Yes. Saturn down. Ha, ha, ha. Center and side. Yes, yes.

Yes. And up, breathe, breathe, breathe amazing. bloating it down, palms together and at the same time. Yes, this time the pelvis is moving together and out to the side. Tuck, tuck, tuck, together and up high. Tuck, tuck, tuck, really activating the core.

Bu, tuck, tuck, tuck, palms pressed together and out. Tuck, tuck, tuck. Yes. together and up. Tuck, tuck, tuck, beautiful quick motion. Allow yourself to talk to feel activate all parts of you hear through the center.

Yes. Beautiful and floated down. Let's move over to one side and then the other side, really caressing yourself here. Gently, arms moving around your head and you're sitting into the hip. Beautiful back and forth motion. Back and forth.

Motion. Yes. Released, exit out and crossed out. x and cross. Yes. Beautiful, really slicing away.

Leaning forward all the way down. Amazing. Strong x in the front and out x and release beautiful seats over to the side here towards the diagonal allowing a swinging type motion to come through and allowing your arms to really slice back. Yes, bend and straightening and over to the other side. Same motion, cross and back. And back.

Yes. Beautiful. Strong. Yes and back to centre. Let's bring one foot forward and back. forward into the side.

Yes, forward to the side, forward to the side and slide over to the other side. forward to the side. forward to the side decisively tapping here. Beautiful placing that leg across and over to the side. Yes. And bending through the middle.

Let's put our hands on our hips as we do this next one. Yes. Getting a little sassy, fired up with this motion. very decisive movement. Bending through the middle and again other side. Yes.

Amazing. Little top here and then through the middle. Let's bring our hands behind same motion with the legs. Feeling it so idea of really decisive energy bending over to the other side. Tap and tap, tap and tap, cross it out. cross out.

Yes. Beautiful bending to the middle flames come down the body and to the knees. Let's move side to side here, allowing the flames to lick on your knees and gently come up the body, keeping that bound side aside, going all the way up to the chest, back of the head and back down the front of our bodies keeping this motion going down to our knees. Yes. getting fired up. Beautiful up the sides.

Behind the head and to the front of the body. Amazing to the knees. Coming up, flames licking up the body, back of the head. Super fun. And just massage your neck here for a minute. Allow your head to tilt forward and down and back.

Give yourself a little neck massage here. You deserve it. Beautiful, releasing the arms and come together. Slice it out, cross and out. Cross and out. Great to have a mixture of flow of relaxation, but also decisive, powerful movement.

Beautiful palms together. Really slice it out. Yes. super strong and decisive, beautiful. And settling in the middle. Let's move our hips down all the way down to the ground.

Sitting with our legs. straight out in front of us. And let's pummel our legs. So gently punching your legs, shaking out your thighs, your calves, whatever wants a little gentle pummeling right now, so allow it to happen. And fingertips across your arm. Your collarbones Yes.

Beautiful. allow these flames to lick over your arms. Beautiful and crossing our legs. We're going to swoop over one side and then the other. circling around our head. Beautiful.

Cooling down this beautiful fiery body of ours. Yes. Amazing. exit out and x and up. Yes. Crossing and open, beautiful work love shimmy shimmy shimmy it out.

That was our fiery cooldown.

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