Overview - Communicating Change

Communicating Change Communicating Change - Getting Started
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Hi, thank you for joining me. We're here to talk about one of the biggest challenges organizations face as they try to change successfully. And the irony is that the challenge is something we do all the time. And it's communication. I put together some resources to help you get the most out of this course, all of the slides that you're seeing, you can download and print off so you don't have to worry about taking any notes. I will ask you on occasion to pull out one of the worksheets and I would encourage you to print those off one page each.

So you've got some room to actually apply some of the ideas that I'm sharing with you. Well, so put together an article called seven truths when communicating change. So objectives for our time together. I'd like to explore the essentials around the WHO THE what the when, and the how that's involved in ensuring communication engages everyone in your changing organization. Got some tools that I'd like to share with you to increase the effectiveness of your communication efforts, and throat that time that we discuss all this. I'd like to invite you to utilize some simple approaches and assess the effectiveness of your communication in your changing organization and find ways develop a little bit of an action plan.

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