Hi everybody, this is Mr. Hoshi Welcome to Maximo 7.6 tips. The tip of today is about editing and modify Maximo job plane. We will learn how to edit and modify Maximo 7.6 job plans how to open job plan from the start center you can click the main menu from here and then choose planning. From planning choose the fairest job plans and open shop plans module from key This is a module in the search screen This I confirmed new job plan and this icon for changes status. This is for KPI. This is for new, this is for Brent.
And also this is for print as PDF or Excel. How to even show plan you can use this field here or you can find this field. What is the difference between the two? If you want to serve certain job plan, you can edit directly the name of zero plan here. If you wanted to search multi job plans, you must use this field search for multi job plans. Let's We will share Shabbat with all your plans started with our S dash.
Also plan started with our S dash for example, you will find the result it show one from 20 in the first screen and the total is 900 809 T for the total. The first column is drop below name. The second column is description, short description of Jacques plan. The third column is revision. The next column is duration by hours. The next is supervisor if the job plan have a certain supervisor The next column is active status, active or revised or not active, or draft, the status and the last one is template five, maintenance or in description or something like that.
And this is a bookmark if you want to to vote, the show plan in your bookmark. Let's open the first one here. For example. Your following old films are them. You can modify it. Even you are a planner guru and a planner Pro.
You can modify shopping in Hawaii. It is all Why is this all out of them? You must do one step from selection. Choose revise job plan and then it's the revision description in this field. This is the shops justification of why you will make the revision. After finishing, click OK. You will find all folders are open to edit, you can edit and then on the fly any field except the job bill and name.
You can change the show plenty. You can modify and change The description this trick failed platform pipe duration tasks anything I will keep pressing those our changes. But if you want to you can modify any field this and save it after make some modification, you click save your plan from this icon to save the job plan and to go to list view changes status to new status from here. Change the status to be active and to click OK do go to the shop and list copy this name and debased again. You will find tools or plans. This is the old one revised to this and this is revision one and active.
This is a new modified job plan.