Hello there, we are learning the PCB designing with Eagle. And in the last session we had created his big schematic, we had also learned how we can make use of the tools called name and label to assign labels to the wires so that they can be interconnected to each other without routing a big wire. So this LED one over here gets connected to this pin number 11 of this IC. And similarly, this extra one extra two over here gets directed to the stupids of crystal and so on. We had completed our small microcontroller schematic and then we were about to create a layout of it. So after clicking on this board, what we get is this.
So this is the workspace where we have already routed a power supply. And now what we have to do is we have to add our microcontroller and all these components over here. So let's begin. First of all, What I will do is I will look out for this box and I will increase its size so that it takes all the components properly. For now if you're just getting started, I would recommend you take a bit bigger sized box. So that box is nothing but your PCB, the size of your PCB.
Next, it's about routing. So, first thing is this IC is completely objective and this is purely based upon your choice how you want your ice to be placed. Generally, whenever I have a power supply like this, I prefer placing my seats like this. You can visit like this, you can visit like that it doesn't matter. So this is the ICP test that I'll take this crystal which is connected to these two pins. Now look at it.
It's quite natural that I should keep yourself close to the pins or component close to the pins of any interconnection. So if I say is here and if I connected was still somewhere over here useless, so let's just put it close to it. Sometimes if a bigger schematic is there, I may not remember where this crystal and what all other components are there with it. So let's just take a look here we have C two c three with crystal. Just let's look out for simplicity. Here they are.
So this is C. This is C three. I'm using the middle mouse button to move this schematic like this. So C two c three placed. Then pin number one is the reset pin where we have connected a switch as one so it's natural to keep it close to be number one like that. Okay next we have three entities and three registers for them. So let's see how we place them again, do as natural as possible.
Keep them together so with this LED should come close or together with the respective resistor. Same thing goes for the other LED. Same thing for the last one. All trailers are placed. Let's place this connectors again. As you can see, the most natural placement of this connector would be like this.
Not something somewhere like this. Okay, you're spotted you This is another connector this should go here and then I can move this switch a little bit farther from that particular point. So the switch has been a little bit shifted from its position. Lastly we have this one word connector looks good like this. And then there is this is the connector or speaker. Now the wires for the isolator will go through a number of different places still I'll find some natural placement which is there with this connector.
So I can keep it over here of something like that. Now this completes my layouts now as you can see, almost all of the things that I have can be placed a little bit about Nevertheless, I can at least reduce the size Have my board now. And then you can start routing the boards. Now as you can see there is a big gap over here and we have done a nice placement of the components. So here at this point, let's use another command called group. With this group commands, you can select multiple components on your board.
And then you can move them in a single instance something like this, so I have moved it over here. Now, let's just reduce the size of the board a little bit. Let's select the Move command. Let's select this face of the board let's reduce the size slightly. If needed, you can do further optimizations with your schematic. Now what next is the routing of this board?
Again go for the route tool and you can immediately get started with routing. So we have seen this Okay, remember to select the layer to be bottom if you are creating a single sided PCB, which we are and then select a track with something like 20 you will get a good track size for your label. So you have to just go on placing the tracks like this there will come a time where you will have to find the path to place the track so, for example, if this is the icy connector, let's see, this one gets connected from instead of the IC. This one needs to be taken from outside. So, first I'll connect this one which I'll again take from the inside and now at this point I use the repub commands to remove the extra material and then I read route but this time, I will take a smaller width like 10 and then I will route this from this gap to this then a login method 24 rest of the tracks So, this is another pin or I'll just choose them for now, for finishing up some small sized things.
You can also choose how your track base like this. There are many features with Eagle. As I said go on exploring slowly, quickly first get started with how to do the designing the basic designing at least this is the ground grouped them all together. And on and on and on. He thought that I would take the entire article for you No, not at all. So I'm just showing it to you off by connecting some common tracks.
So what you need to do is you need to finish routing your PCB in this way. And then remember, you have to make sure all the tracks stay at this layer, bottom layer. These are the features ignore obstacle, walk around obstacles, all those things is try them on. These are the main style so you want to attach to a bench and make sure you take the S 20 1015 something like that. So that's it for this video. Now, what you have to do is complete this single sided schematic and then we will go for how to create a double sided In PCB Thanks for watching this video.