Balanced in both ways symmetrical and asymmetrical. Well, it depends what you want to achieve in your picture, the right picture, we have symmetrical composition and it shows we want to show the whole cake in it. So, we put it in center, when you just put that straight line in the center of the picture, you will see that it almost identical on both sides, but if we would like to show some details in this cake some structure which we have achieved in this cake, so this is in a trickle a composition will be ideal. And then the closeup is ideal to show it is both pictures are right and fine, but you can use it depends on the purpose. Contrast in town color or shape Just look at that card. It's black and white mostly.
And it's got trade lines only. And in put on very colorful background made of cotton balls, repetition in shapes, colors and patterns. Here we've got a picture of some shirts with almost every shirt has a white button. And the color colors are almost the same. It's blue, it's red, and some kind of purple made with blue. So you have a really narrow coloristic here use of color.
If you don't know where to start, just start with one color One, two, Max three colors just think which color will you will use and then gather all the things you have in your room in that color. And then while creating this scene, and it will be easier to for you to pick the stuff up To put in your scene