Okay, so for those past exercises or any exercises that takes another person to do it with and you're on your own, or you're watching the online course, do it in the mirror and talk back at yourself, or just talk out into the ethers talk while you're driving, go in your bedroom and have a conversation, talking and expressing. Because as you can see, a lot of you've had difficulty in expressing yourself because you've been told to not speak. And the more you speak, then the more you get accustomed to asking for what you want. And then if you've got a lot of hurt, you get it out. But you can't stay. You can't keep going back and having a relationship with somebody with all of the toxicity under the carpet antiA Hello.
We know this about this is just referring you, thank you for coming up. But this relationship was great because your relationship is a common one, that you go back and then you try and make it there. You try and keep the relationship and no one expresses themselves but you just build up the herd under those puts and gets put under the rug because you're saying I can't be mean to my mom. You got these things that you say to yourself, I can't tell her because you're supposed to obey your parents. So therefore, you have to put up with them. That's kind of the mindset that gets created.
And it's never ever gonna work. And and you end up in denial because you have to deny them you have to say no, it's not really happening. And then you don't get real. And we saw some of that you don't get you got to get real And then when you're really free, because then everyone knows, Hey, you know what, I want to have a relationship with you, but I would like you to respect me and I'll respect you. And then it's easy, isn't it? And then you know, frustrated.
So I'm going to talk about why you need to do this. Because if you've got hurt inside you, you are actually affecting your surroundings. And then you get people reacting to that. They'll start feeling it. What's inside, because it's not your words. It's the feeling because you know how some people can say something and someone else can say exactly the same thing, but it can feel different.