Okay. So, if I say I want to cluster the tie using the agro murmuration or hierarchical clustering, I can choose the algorithm I can select hierarchical cluster then I can change the settings so I use I use it in this tunnel so that I can change the number of cluster to six then I can click ok then I tell Krista and I will have other clustering result here and he let's say I want to see more properties I can right click on all this result okay. So I can I do a body scan result will mean window view in separate window say result deliveries all models a model we apply visualized cluster assignment, so, I can visualize all the cluster assignment here. If I create this hierarchical clustering, I can recreate view in main window view in separate windows save result, deliveries out load model save model.
We apply this model configurations, view cluster assignments and I can also build a tree. So this is Daniel graph