Welcome to ultimate drumming calm. I'm Joe McCall. I'm going to show you this really great sand and 16th note filled. First I'm gonna play for you. Then I'm gonna break it down note by note and show you how it works. In order to play these great sounding 16th notes bills, you got to be thinking 16th notes 16th notes, one E and two E and three E and four E and when I'm playing 16th notes, I'm going to play on every syllable that I say I'm going to use alternating strokes.
It's going to go like this, what E and two E and three E and four. The bass drum is going to be placed on the quarter notes. So every time I say beats 123 or four Gotta be playing the foot. It's gonna go like this. What E and E and E. Playing this great sounding 16th note fill. I'm omitting the right hand on each number that I say or each quarter.
It's going to go like this, what the and the and the and now the face, Trump is still playing on the numbers. So it's good to be substituted for the missing right hand, that I'm not playing on the numbers. It's going to go like this. Now once I get comfortable with this pattern, I'm gonna try moving around the drums a little bit, picking up the tempo, what and a two, and a three and a four. A great way to practice this excellent standard Phil will be to play two measures eighth note rock beat. Like this another excellent sounding 16th notes you can add to your Grameen library.
I'm Joe McCall. Thanks for watching. I'll see you soon as always Ultimate calm