Welcome to ultimate drumming calm. I'm Joe McCall. I'm going to show you this really cool eighth note, Phil. person we're gonna play for you. I'm gonna break it down note by note and show you how it works. What In this particular pattern, the hands are playing alternating strokes playing eighth notes as I move around the drums.
I don't have any specific direction I'm going in, I'm just exploring around the set with the hands playing eighth notes. It's going to work like this the one and two and three Now adding the foot and unison with the alternating strokes with the hands. So the foot is also playing on eighth notes. I'm going to combine the two together. One and two and three and four and deal with this pattern is to explore around the drums and get creative. See what you can come up with That's gonna sound cool.
The only rule with this is that the hands and foot are playing in unison. So it's continuous eighth notes. A great way to practice this would be to play two measures of an eighth note rock and roll beat. Two measures eighth note Phil. Two measures eighth note rock and roll beat two measures eighth note Phil. What There it is another great sounding eighth note bill that you can add to your plane.
I'm Joe McCall. Thanks for watching. I'll see you soon at ultimate drumming calm