Eggplant. This looks like Thai Thai basil. Yeah, no in Thai basin This is Thai basil. Okay. We have Thai basil here growing in between the and this is very fragrant the Thai basil if you've ever grown it or if you've ever had it it's it's lovely and it grows like like crazy out here. Just motioned for her to please give me one because it's good to to eat basil, raw basil like this right off the plant every single day.
You will live to be 1900 years old. a proven fact by the way. Okay. We've got one here. Potatoes and sweet potato. Sweet Potato leaves, by the way are a crop in case you haven't known if you grow sweet potato, and you've got a whole lot of leaves and not a lot of fruit, harvest leaves or focus on the vines that are feeding your fruit and then cut back on the leaves so that the energy goes to the fruit.
And then you can fry up the leaves and then those little stems. Here again, yeah, yeah. So here's here is an example of what I'm talking about. She harvests this this is sweet potatoes growing and somewhere in there is fruit, but she's mostly growing for leaves you will see here at the market with with clusters of these sweet potato leaf edge with some of the stem There is a local kind of a delicacy that they grow as a vegetable in with their. And you see another field of it right here. Don't she is continuing on this dragon mission.
You can see her got. She's the dragon fruit lady. I can just tell this is gonna turn into a lot of Dragon Fruit coming in October, for sure. Yeah. And I don't know about you folks but for me this is a tremendous inspiration if you live out in the rural at all. And this is not even rural.
We're writing in town actually. But town is sidebands a little different, you know, you it's all very, very stretched out. It's a small island. We just call everything town although there are. There are different villages in in this place. But she's just off the main drag and you see She's completely in the nature here nice way to go What do you have here?
Yeah, that'd be been long been not long Oh my God let me get folks you ever seen have been like this this is a local variety This is tropical Asian kind of a been interesting stuff for this this is all super nutritious okay okay let's take a get a zoom in on that see you know what his name is something like this Korea's look it up folks, Google is Google this shape All right. My mouth is still just buzzing from that time basil. is so full of beautiful essential oils. here by the way, we have a costume a costume is a tremendous helper for the nature in general this this I believe I've made video on this before this plant this tree can save the planet if we are wise about using it. This is a tremendous volunteer it will come up in damaged areas. When you see devastation for any reason whatsoever.
Quite often these are the things that will come up to help to re green the area then this is all nitrogen fixer all part of the plant is nitrogen fixer. You could cut the leaves keep harvesting it, bring those down into the ground here for example is instant fertilizer. So just a little Quick chip so always a positive thing to see a Casio around Huh? Oh yeah don't take too many for me I man with camera I need I need I need two hands for camera. Oh, I see cucumber. Yeah I'm looking I'm gonna zoom in on that what is squash?
Mr. farmer has been corrected I don't even know what a cucumber looks like okay, from a distance this looks exactly like a cucumber now I'm seeing yes this could be actually a an Italian kind of a squash or a Western squash in fact growing on the side of the dragon fruit tower they're beautiful but she's got so Many things planted and this is a good thing that I'd recommend is just grow absolute chaos. If you've got the land, absolute make chaos of all of it, just grow everything you possibly can everywhere. And then every day is a delight walking through issues doing right here. She's just nipping and nipping a little this nipping a little that and she can bring her harvests to market every Saturday or whenever anybody comes here she can supply them with their needs. So she's very much a local personal farmer.
And the local people of course know her. And that's the essence of farming is what contexts you can make with the local community what what, what relationship you've got to your neighbors and friends and people who know about you and the quality in the end It's all about the quality of work that you do, isn't it? So, you see all of these structures, these are all kind of ideas. We've got old water heaters, which are serving as towers for later plantings. This is all refuse. This is all rubbish garbage, leftover societal leftovers building materials.
It's all hot throwaways that she has repurposed and put to use. Here we've I'm standing on a piece of tin and which serves to be a walkway. It's just, there's a there's another been another one of these knobbly, knobbly lagoons and now you see that me is targeted some more produce there. Yeah, that's gorgeous. Yeah My opinion it's all gorgeous, huh? What?
No pan over here. The seat. The seat pulled out. The seat is down here so deco here. Yeah, I see. Okay.
There was a lot of devastation during the during the typhoon. Yeah, a lot of things fell over. But as you see, we still have growth now with this new generation. It's coming on with a fervor. So it's all growing back up and it's all back on board and supplying food. Oh my gosh.
Yeah, I see that. Yes, things uprooted and holes being created and more dragon fruit.