Relaxation techniques

16 minutes
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Hey, what's going on everybody, Ben and Annabel here today and we are talking about relaxation, how to cope with labor and how the dad husband hero can be there for mom during this process. Yeah, so we're super excited to be helping you out on this aspect of your pregnancy. I know when you bought parently foundations, this was probably what you were waiting for. You are finally in your labor and delivery mindset. It's getting close. And you want to know, how do I do it?

Yeah. How do I cope with labor? So the first thing we need to just talk about is the fact that coping with pain in your labor process, that mindset is key. These relaxation techniques are not going to take away your pain. staying at home for labor is not going to take away your pain. It is all about understanding that pain is a normal process.

When it comes to childbirth, and understanding that key concept will help you move forward move up this mountain step by step with ultimate success. And so with our parently techniques, we want to talk about the fact that this is a little bit of Lamaze, it's a little bit of that Bradley technique that you've probably heard about a little bit of everything. Because childbirth is something that's been around for centuries before any of those techniques even developed. And we want to bring some of these techniques to you with just this open mind of you ultimately need to listen to your body. You need to talk to your husband and communicate what you're feeling in your labor. Yeah, yeah, there's gonna be times when you know your wife's gonna be in pain and it's gonna look traumatic.

It's gonna look overwhelming to you but like Annabelle said, you have to remember this is a normal process if your wife came into the ER because their arm got cut off in a you know, freak bicycle accident or car accident, whatever it might be, then you have reason to be panic to be overwhelmed, but we must remember It is not pleasant, but it is normal. And so be reassured dad talk with her, as we've talked about in the other husband hero videos come to a mutual understanding and agreement that you're not going to push her to the point where you know, you're unreasonable. But you're going to be there for her to make sure that she can work through the process of having this child. Yes. So pain is normal, get that mindset and that will be the key to starting this process. The next thing is understanding where your boundaries are, if you want to be touched if you don't want to be touched, so that communication, the next thing is understanding that you have power as a woman, that inner wisdom to do this.

You are fully capable and fully equipped. Now we want to inform you on all of the possibilities and things that you can do from our perspective, but ultimately you are capable, you are fully equipped and you are a strong mom. We also believe that you have a right to how you want to To give birth. And so when you are at home and then when you go into the hospital interventions, you have the right to say, I want this, I don't want this with the mindset that it's not dangerous for your baby. We as medical providers never want to endanger you or your baby. And so with the mindset that as long as you're not doing anything that could put you at risk for illness or even death or your baby, then your health care provider, and the team that is going to be taking care of you, you ultimately have to say, So know that you are powerful in that way.

The next thing that we believe is that you can labor and deliver without pain medication, it is completely possible. Even if you are induced even if you go in early, and they have to give you some medication to get labor going. If they give you pitocin you can still labor and deliver without an epidural without pain medicine. Now that is ultimately your choice but it can be done and we want to equip you for that. We also believe that staying home as long as possible before you go to the hospital will help you decrease interventions and decrease your C section rates. So that's again why we want to equip you with these relaxation techniques so that when you're at home you can cope with the pain.

And lastly, if you are a mom that wants an epidural, no one is shaming you get that epidural but know that there is going to be a time where you are still going to have those painful contractions because you don't get an epidural just like that. So again, we want to help you know how to cope with that pain before you get the epidural. Yeah, so we are here I am Miss Annabel and I am not really pregnant, but I'm pretending to be pregnant. I already had my baby And yes, I'm going to have another but I'm not pregnant right now. It didn't just happen overnight. I mean, at least this pregnant overnight, so I do have a fake belly on if you can't see it, and I'm going to be your pregnant mom demonstrating what you will be like when labor starts then is My husband and he was my incredible coach during labor and delivery and he is going to help you dad.

So we hope you're watching Dasher. So he is going to show you how to be there and to communicate with your wife and massage and different support techniques that will be so helpful. When I watched some of these videos, I thought, okay, there's some awkward stuff out there that I'm going to be asked to do. And so for me during this video, I try to make it as an awkward as possible. But if you do feel uncomfortable in certain situations, you're just going to embrace it. It's for the sake of helping your wife through this process.

You can do it man. Yeah, so, like Ben said, to watch some of these relaxation techniques on video can feel a little bit awkward. Know that when you are in the midst of labor, you just want to cope, you want to do everything you can to focus and manage that pain. And it's not going to be awkward in the moment and when you get to the hospital. Your medical care team sees it all day long, it is the norm for them. So they're not going to think you look awkward.

So some of these things that we are going to be talking to you about for you as the woman, the pelvic rocking is key, it helps so much and we are going to show you multiple positions. And in those positions, you are going to be doing the pelvic rocking, we want your hips to be open, we want your hips to start preparing for that baby to come through your birth canal. So opening up those hips stretching is very helpful. And then he's there with me. He's rubbing my back and my lower back and my legs, and we're supporting each other. He's letting me lean against him neither all very helpful, so don't feel awkward.

Don't feel awkward watching it or doing it. They are very helpful. Yeah. Now I want to get into our first section of the relaxation techniques and that is meditation. You have to get your mind ready. Before your body, having a mindset of calmness of your inner breath, taking control, feeling your inner breath and listening to your body.

These are things that are going to help you actually implement what we are teaching you. And then the meditation aspect of having a calmness of the faith and faith that God is protecting you, and He has a plan for you. And that this pain, it is a mountain that you are climbing for a purpose. So tuning into your spirit and finding strength and how God has created you as a woman to do this. Looking to your husband and asking for prayer, praying together. These are key to the mindset part of your relaxation techniques.

Yeah, and I would say one thing that really amazed me about Annabel she was, you know, going up through 12345 centimeters and when you get about five to six centimeters That's your transition phase as you as you know, kind of going into when you're folding labor into active labor and, and she just decided that this is as bad as it's gonna get, and it will be well, and we got into the car and it was like a switch for her, you know, she just she just focused and said, Okay, this is the pain, I can do this. And she was very calm. And so that is something I would encourage you to do. Mom and husband encouraged your wife to do saying, okay, you're at this point. It's as bad as it's gonna get, you can do it. And I don't have the experience of that pain.

So I can't say Oh, yeah, there was at that point, and I knew it was painful enough but I saw her and I was comforted to know that she could do it because she put on this really I mean, she put on the armor of Goddess has how we say it and believe it is that you say okay, this is going to get and God is going to give me the strength. Yeah, that's really what I saw. And that's that equipped her tremendously. Yeah, so that meditation. Let's get into that mindset. And now let's get going into the relaxation techniques sounds good.

Pain during childbirth is normal. This is a key concept to help you cope with the pain. It is important to not fight the pain of the contraction, but to relax and accept it. Remember what your body is doing. You are on a journey with your baby. You are working towards the top of the mountain where you can have the beautiful baby of your dreams in your arms, safe in faith.

Take a moment to be aware of your body. Acknowledge the pain that is there for a reason. be purposeful in asking your husband for support and encouragement. He can be your focal point. Now take a moment to acknowledge your breath. Your breath is an integral part of the relaxation positions in coping with the pain.

Begin to breathe long and slow. You went to take a deep breath deep in your chest not high and not fast. There are many strategies to help you cope with your labor. You and your husband can take these different techniques, modify them and use them at home and in the hospital. Take a moment to notice your pelvis. your pelvis is vital to the comfort and progress of your labor.

Use these techniques during each contraction and during your rest periods between contractions. It is important not to lay down on your back when you rest or during contractions. Lean forward to take the pressure of baby off of your back and use grass To help you. Keep your legs flexed and apart and your pelvis open, change your body positions, your breathing and your movements as you see fit. Listen to your body for signals. Use your husband as your focal point for calmness.

You can also create a playlist for calmness or you can have quiet during early labor, you will want to be up and walking so that labor can progress and you can keep a focal point. At this point I am demonstrating standing up at the counter. When a contraction begins, I take a moment to lean over the counter. As the contraction builds, I began rocking my pelvis. This helps decrease the pressure during The contraction decreases the pain in my lower back and helps labor progress. Slow circular movement of the pelvis feels good.

Raising one like up on the ledge helps reduce pressure, it opens up the pelvis. At this point my husband helps support me in labor. I am doing pelvic rock slowly as he is my support. I can also sit on a fit ball and do pelvic rocks with my legs apart and relaxed. pelvic rocks can be used in the shower during labor as the warm water runs over your back to soothe you. Some women also like to get in the tub on hands and knees and rock their pelvis.

If baby begins to put pressure on your lower back, then use gravity to help you get down on your hands and knees in a four point kneeling position. And open your pelvis with a cat cow and pelvic rocking. Continue slow deep breaths. Massage is a key part of relaxation during a contraction. Some women like to be touched and some don't. That is why it is important to talk to your husband about what you want during labor.

Stroke. Relaxation helps for calmness and it decreases tension. You can sit in different positions leaning forward with your husband behind you taking long strokes from your neck down to your legs. Ask your husband to rub your back with scented oils for deep massage and soothing. It is important for your husband to stroke in one direction with long strokes. Stroke With your breathing.

Needing massage can also be helpful during contractions or during rest periods. It releases muscle tension, needing the shoulders, arms, legs, and mid back helps release the tension that builds during your contraction. Firm circular pressure on the lower back during the contraction is also helpful. Pressing the hip bones together and then applying local central pressure. This is especially helpful if baby is pushing on the lower back and say Chrome. communication with your husband during labor is vital.

Some women love to be touched and others do not. There will be a point When labor progresses and you are an active labor, you begin to feel panicky and have increased anxiety. It is very important for your husband to remind you to breathe deep and massage you in times of rest. When you ask to be rubbed in between contractions, you will want to take times of rest, as labor can last several hours. Ask your husband to help you get into a comfortable sideline position with pillows between your knees and behind your back. It is important to conserve energy when you can.

These might only be two minute naps. After the contraction is over, it is important to stretch your back shoulders and neck. Doing shoulder rolls and neck rolls to decrease tension. Relax your face, your arms and your legs. continue practicing these techniques before labor begins and in early labor as you progress, communicate your needs with your husband. Remember, Mama, you are a capable woman with the wisdom you need to deliver this baby safe in faith.

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