With this we come to the close of the section on indicators and metrics. I hope you can use all of this information to make good judgment of buying mutual funds. Now, we have discussed most important indicators and metrics. There are many more indicators or metrics available and one should read financial papers and white papers regularly to be aware of what is the current indicators which has been developed and how they can be interpreted and what is the nuances of that also, in this section, we have seen how to calculate each of the indicators using Excel. Now, this can I am using Excel this I have shown you how to do it. You can also write programs to do the same.
However, calculating these indicators is not very important. This is for the sake of knowledge and in case you need to do it yourself. These indicators are generally available in any financial websites Which are which we have discussed at the beginning of the section. So, I hope you can use this information well. Thank you for listening and see you in the next section.