Find out how you actually spend your time. According to the Pareto principle that we will discuss in the following videos 20% of the time in our work schedule is spent doing important tasks and 80% of it is spent doing routine and unimportant ones. Today, I will teach you how to figure out how you actually spend your time. Even if your day is filled with interruptions and emergency situations. Choose one of the following techniques whichever one suits you best and use it for three days a the clock technique, one set an alarm to go off at every 40 minutes to when the alarm goes off, stop and write down what you're working on at that moment. Three, great what we're doing from plus two very productive you're working on important projects to minus two absolutely unproductive such as Facebook reading some jokes you receive via email and so on.
The grades are subjective Of course, you will have to estimate p The change tasks technique. Each time you change tasks, you write exactly what you've been working on before. Great indeed, as I told you above. See, if you spend your time working on your computer, you can use a program that does these things for you. rescuetime link in the video rescuetime answers the question, am I spending my day as I would really like to. For three days, I want you to use one of the techniques I presented and to write down the tasks you're working on at a given time including interruptions.
After these three days have passed, you will have a real list of tasks that you usually work on in a day, not the least you are under the impression you're working on. I want you to carefully study the real list and notice the patterns. I used to check my email 20 times a day. I logged on to Facebook an hour a day in various five to 10 minute sessions. When I read the news or other articles, I was skimming, clicking, and skimming again for hours at a time. Seeing that I was wasting time I acted.
Now I blocked my email the entire day checking it only between 12 and 12 and 15 minutes to answer the extremely important emails, and from 16 to 17 to answer the rest of the emails, have I missed any urgent email in the three years that have passed since I began using this technique? Not Have I managed to do it every day, week after week? No, I haven't. But I did it in 80% of the cases. And the simple fact that I tried to apply this method has already saved me a lot of time. Don't try to set a harsh rule for yourself that you automatically forget about when your feelings take over.
Set a rule to try again, each and every time you abandon something that will benefit you. Every time you fall. Get up Again, that's the only way to success. The three steps. One, identify the patterns, how you waste your time to choose a time period in which you allow yourself to waste time. If you use the computer a lot, I will give you some tools at the end of this material.
And if you work in any other kind of environment, you can set an alarm to determine your schedule. Three, gradually reduce this time period. The advantage is clear. You learn to control your excesses, which is a lot easier to do than to try to eliminate them altogether. After these three days, please return to this presentation and answer the survey. I want to know how you waste your time in order to create materials that fit to your real needs.
Good luck and stay motivated.