Everyone has a natural rhythm. Everyone has times of optimum performance and times where, let's face it, you're just kind of there. The key is figuring out when are you at your premium, productivity time and when are you at your lowest. We all have certain busy work, we have to do certain forms, we have to fill out certain websites we have to check. You can't necessarily delegate that you can't ignore it forever. But the key is figuring out when are your least productive times of the day and then save that stuff for them.
So for example, I am least productive, least creative in the afternoon, certainly in the evenings, but in the afternoons after three o'clock, it's just harder for me to be highly productive, creative, creating things of great value. That's the perfect time for me to do certain things that have to be done but are not that important, I have to look at my spam folder every once in a while, because periodically, an important prospect will have sent me a message or a client. And it gets lost in the spam filter. And if I don't get back to them, then I could have lost a client for a lifetime. So I do have to check that occasionally. Something got to be done.
But I can do that. Three, four in the afternoon if I want to. Same with a lot of email, same with checking social media, it's not high intensity activity doesn't require sustained concentration. So it's easy to do that. Also. When I answer questions for students, it's not that students questions like yours are not important.
But typically, it's something I can read it dictate an answer in 30 seconds with little bites. It doesn't require this sustained period of concentration therefore, it's my easier for me to do. So ask yourself this when is the best time for you to do lesser work of importance? Not unimportant stuff or irrelevant stuff. But what time of the day? Should you still be doing some work but you know, it's not your peak performance time.
Write that in the q&a section share with us and then what do you do then to make the most of it