Hello, and welcome to How to Write kick ass content marketing articles, the beginner's course. I'll be your instructor, Suriname zoo. And without further ado, let's just look at the agenda for this course. So this is the actual intro to the course. But more importantly, we will be talking about the tools in the next section. Following the tools, we will be talking about the secret weapon to all of this, so I'm not going to sugarcoat it and it will seem ridiculous at the time, because it's something that has been staring you in the face for all this time when you were stuck trying to write that great new article or you were stuck.
Not Try not being able to come up with new content marketing article topics, this this will be different really help you along the way and I show it not to it's not paid. You will be surprised, found that we will actually have an example of an article that I wrote and I'll explain how the secret weapon helped me and will help you to create great content marketing articles. Lastly, we will have a second example a bit different from another here. So this was the intro. I'll see you in the next section. Tools