Hi, I'm Johnny john. Today I want to explore suffering in relation to thought patterns. Every one of us have different thought patterns which can promote suffering, suffering states of the mind and negativity within. For instance, some of us may hate that idea of flirting with other people. Some of us can easily experience anger when someone does something stupid. Some of us can easily get jealous, and the list goes on.
Now to transform our habit pattern, it's like transforming a habit. You have to well let us first understand how a habit is created. a habit is created when you repeat the same thing again and again. So to transform a habit, you have to do something different. You have to do something, you can do things opposite to what you used to do in the past. That's how you transform the habit pattern.
Birth, you simply keep doing the same thing, keep reacting negatively. Again and again. You're simply maintaining the thought pattern, the habit of suffering. So to transform your suffering state of the mind, to transform your thought patterns which promote negative reactions, you have to start doing things differently. You have to start doing things which oppose the flow of the mind. For instance, whenever you experience fear, for instance, going to a job interview, instead of thinking what the worst can happen, think of the best things that can happen.
Instead of always thinking it's bad to flat with other people try your best to accept the idea. Whenever you experience anger, To transform the anger you have to try your best to forgive to do something different. And that is how you transform the habit, how you transform the thought patterns, which create your suffering states of the mind. Now, initially when you try to go against the flow of the mind, for instance, to go against your negativities to go against your fears, you will experience a greater resistance. This is very natural, because you're disturbing the flow of the mind. And this can be very unsettling to the mind because this is like when two opposing directions of water come clashing at each other.
Now, it's important to continue knew to create this clash, to continue to try to overcome your fears, to do something different, to forgive when you experience anger and so forth, because this is how you change the flow of the mind. At first it will seem difficult, but eventually the flow will change. What you will realize is that if you react, if you react lis and one time, the next time it will become easier, the next time you will react less naturally. So, it will only get easier and easier with time though so it's by unsettling the mind that you can develop the knowing of the south for instance, through observing the inner resistance, then you can Realize gradually, why it is there. For instance, why can't we just accept the idea of flirting with other people? Why can we just accept a stupid person?
Why can't we just be happy experience expressing ourselves in front of a big audience without experiencing any fears? Why can we just accept everything that happens in our lives. So developing the knowing of the self is very important, because it can help to accelerate our journey. Now, it's important to incorporate stillness into the practice, because every time we go against the mind, the mind will be confused, stimulated with all sorts of negativities This is the inner resistance. Without stillness. It's like being thrown into a rushing water.
You'll be reacting all the time, never be able to swim out of it. With stillness, you will be able to observe the situation clearer. So you can swim out of it much easier. So with stillness, it will help you to accelerate your journey of transforming your thought patterns. The thought patterns which promote negativity in your mind. So in summary, it's important to go against our habit patterns, our thought patterns, especially those which promote a negative state of the mind.
If we simply do the same thing again and again, they will be no self transformation. So continue to create and the clashes continue to incorporate stillness into your life. And this is how you accelerate self transformation.