Hi, everyone, it's Johnny, john. I hope the first eight videos were helpful to you. I tried to keep the content as simple as I could. My aim was to introduce you in the outline of the journey of self transformation, to make you aware that the journey of self transformation exists, that it's possible to transform our suffering states of the mind, to address your fears, your anger, your negativities so that you don't have to experience them again, that it's possible to transform everything which limits us from with anything, which creates some happiness from within. Now because a lot of you are interested in my videos, I have decided to create more videos and remember the journey of self transformation. requires us to develop the knowing of the self.
I decided to make more videos about what the self is, what the mind is and how it works. And hopefully, this will help you to understand about the journey even better. And the little steps make you realize the little steps you can take to push yourself forward. So in the next few videos, I will be talking about how the mind works. So I'll see you then