Hi, I'm Johnny john. Today I want to talk about health in relation to the journey of self transformation. I want to answer the question whether or not it's important to have a healthy body to develop self transformation. So, let us begin. So, first realize that we do not have to have a healthy body to develop self transformation. So, if you are unhealthy will have a disability, you can still develop self transformation as long as you have the will, as long as you have the intention to transform your mind and sometimes having a disease with disability.
They can be used as a catalyst to transform ourselves. Now on the other hand, having a healthy body can certainly help you on the journey of Self transformation. So having a healthy body is important in this respect. So, to transform our minds, we need to be in a state where we're alert and aware. So we can develop self knowing that as you see an analogy, life is like a big classroom. From each experience, we can learn from it and grow from it.
That is, if we are aware of the lessons that are in front of us, then if you're tired, lacking energy, all of the energy that you have and focus will be on trying to stay awake, you will miss out on all the lessons that are happening in front of you. But if you're alert and awake, then you will be able to absorb all experiences and it's totally peloton to learn from it even more. So it's important to have a healthy body. From the perspective of the universe, it's important to keep our body healthy. You can say that out of everything in life, you can say that the body is something that is truly ours. It's not anyone else's.
So it's our responsibility to keep it healthy, to work with a body to heal itself, of Oh, it's disease to assist the body to become healthier and healthier. Look at the animals and everything in nature. They overwhelm this fact. They are taking care of their bodies, because they all inherently know that they're responsible ability to keep the body alive and healthy. Now we know the importance of a healthy body. What can we do to have a healthy body?
Well, I won't go into the topic since it's too broad. But what you can do is to start studying on health, you can start eating food that is nutritious for you. That will give you energy. You will, you can also start to sleep properly. It's important to have enough wrist to have enough energy to be aware of the lessons that are in front of us when we face them and their life experiences. So you can start researching on health.
You can also start incorporating exercises into your lives, the list of the things that you can do Numerous and that's a great idea to start our journey of self transformation by transforming our physical self, our health, because it's easier it's easier to see change that's happening on the outside. And that will help you to develop the mentality for self improvement which will help you greatly when you take the journey inside which is more difficult of transforming the mind. Because then that darkness, it will be very difficult to see any progress. It will be very difficult to know whether or not we're doing the right thing, but when you have the mentality of self improvement, you will just be making efforts and results will just naturally come. So, health is important. It can be used as a means to accelerate your journey of self Transformation