3. What Is Energy?

4 minutes
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Welcome back. In this video we're going to look at what is energy? Well, energy is just about everything. Everything is energy. If you want to go down the physicist, an Albert Einstein room, everything is energy. Our thoughts are energy or our body's energy.

Well, our surroundings are made up of energy, the sun is energy, the moon is energy, everything on the earth is energy. But let's simplify it. What does it mean to you? Well, you know how much energy people have got by by speaking to them by looking at them. You know, an energetic person, you know, somebody who inspires you. They're full of fun, they're full of life that always stay in the positive in situations that you know, people who aren't very good energy people and like a drain on your energy You, when you spend time with them, you ask them how they are and that guy will never guess what's happened to me.

Eyes will roll and they'll drag you down with story after story of Whoa, and things that went wrong for them. Nothing ever goes right. And what these people do inadvertently is the drawing is sucking out your energy. So what they'll do if you spent long enough with these people, and you'll know the symptoms, if you spent time with someone and you feel right at the beginning, they'll tell you their story, they'll drain you down. And at the end of it, they'll say, I feel so much better now. And you'll be looking at them probably losing the world to live feeling drained.

Because what you've done, you've allowed them to suck your energy out of you. Now, the good news is that during this course, I'm going to show you how to protect your energy. So you don't you won't no longer feel that way. Two things will happen. The first thing is you will protect your own energy. And secondly, you will stop accepting this.

Because most people that tell you all their problems all the time are so addicted to the problem that they've never even thought about the solutions. And what you can do is guide them towards a solution. What are you going to do about it? How are you going to turn this around? How can you make this better? I'm going to train you, I'm going to show you how you can change energy how you can divert the flow energies like a flow.

And what you do, you can create those riverbanks and if the energy is going that way, it's a one way trip to negativity, I'm going to show you how to stick a new bank in there that redirects the energy somewhere more positive. And you can do that. But it's more important for you to realize that some people are so addicted to negative energy. that the best thing you can do on occasions is just walk away. We'll talk about that later. as well.

But what I want you to do now I want you to do an energy exercise, I want you to rub your hands together like this. So left feeling quite warm. And then what I want you to do is get them close together. And I want you to start feeling when there's a little resistance with your hands. I want you actually feel the sensation of energy. Now you might be able to feel a resistance a draw a pole when you're doing this.

Now it's important you do it until you can feel the energy and then just have a play with it. Notice that energy in your hands. You might notice it you might not have first you might not be as sensitive, you might have to get really close and do it again. You might have to rub your hands together Together Again, but keep doing it till you get an experience of feeling some sort of resistance. When you feel that resistance, start playing with it. Start playing with it and get your own experience of energy.

So do that and when you have experienced it, we can move on The next video

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