One thing I'd like to point out very quickly is that the splice method always returns an array, regardless of what you pass to it. So for example, I've got this array here called foo with five elements. And if I call the splice method, it returns an empty array. And actually, if we inspect foo, we can say, we can see that it didn't do anything to foo. And that's because we didn't tell it what to do. So in a few seconds, we're going to start providing our the MR displace method, and it's going to start doing things to our array.
And it's going to return an array sometimes with things in it. But the main thing to keep in mind is that the splice method always returns an array. Always sometimes it's empty. Sometimes it has things in it. But that depends on what we pass to displace methods. So just it's an important thing to keep in mind because it can be confusing.
When you call splice and you tell it to remove one element, you think you're going to get that element back, but you don't you get an array with that element box. So the splice method always returns an array.