Welcome back. This is another bonus video and this time we will be talking about how to use a whiteboard or a blackboard to write down your objectives and follow through with actions and specific items that you can use to actually accomplish those objectives. Now, I will not show you exactly the recording the video recording of a whiteboard or a blackboard. But I want you to see this Google Docs as a way to actually do that. If before we've used Google drawings, I decided to switch things up a bit and go with a Google Docs. Again, a free product.
If you use Gmail, it's in Google Drive, it automatically saves to the cloud and it's always available pretty much everywhere. You go on mobile on desktop and things of that nature. So let's say my objective would be Make $1,000 right per month. And one year, like one year from now, one year from now. Well I like to do is to make this big center. So this is the objective, right?
How are we going to make that happen? Right? I like to think about the things that I'm already doing. So maybe one would be Chapter One would be job has a few different things here that we'll go back to later. Number two, and let's see this. Number two would be basically things I'm good at are things I could do for extra money right to go to that to reach that $1,000 per month.
Can be let's say it doesn't matter for math, extra extra income. So it's good when you're talking about objectives. It's good to get pretty specific. So what do we have? We have the what we have the specifically what so I don't want $1,000 just that I want an extra income of $1,000 per month, what is the timeframe so one timeframe is the month and another one is one year from now. So we have all the elements here we could we could have gone even further with this saying things like one year from now, using the skills that I already have so you or using new skills and things of that nature.
So let's the job would be one maybe writing would be another one says I like I enjoy doing that. And number three maybe would be a generally freelancing or consulting Maybe we're talking about products. And five, maybe we'll talking about passive income. So I cheated a little bit since I know most of the things that I will be writing. But when you're actually creating this for the first time, you'll notice that you might tend to be in one of two camps. One camp would be to say, Oh, I only have the job or and I can't do anything else or I have the job.
I don't have time to do anything else. or hopefully, you'll be in the second cam, where you see that you're already creating lots of value for people and perhaps you should be thinking of monetizing that. So in terms of job let's see, we could do extra projects. We could work maybe longer hours, maybe one year from then we'll get a promotion, get a promotion work longer hours take on extra projects. Already just by using the job headline with were on a on a path to increasing our income to that of the level that we've set it in our main objectives here so let's make this even bigger I enjoy having this as as as big as it will allow us I like to have things neat on one single line. And this is the power of a whiteboard or a blackboard since you will be watching this you'll be looking at this objective hopefully every single day And that means that you should be getting ideas.
You should be getting courage. You shouldn't be getting a should have been a shouldn't be intimidated by this goal. You should be energized, you should be coming up with ideas and saying things like, Hey, I can do this. I know this is possible. I know other people doing much, much bigger sums of mine. And this should be easy.
For me writing comes easily so I could do things like write a book. Maybe write articles for people. I could do a bit of ghost riding. So basically, the things that I've mentioned earlier only just I wouldn't have my name on those. In terms of passive income, let's see this one should be easier. So let's see.
Let's say I'm creating courses for Udemy and Skillshare and maybe what else what other platforms are their same getting? Also a passive income from Unum, right another course, platform course marketplace. In terms of products, let's see, maybe I create an app. Maybe I create a course. And obviously, some of these might be far fetched since I don't know how to code. So creating an app may be out of my reach in terms of a year from from from now, but I like to keep it on the list because you never know where partnerships might take you.
So of course is easier for me. And I could also create, maybe create banners or banner, making gap, maybe making web app. And in terms of freelancing where we're looking at, up for maybe freelancer.com, and maybe five or so, as we've seen in this pretty short and condensed video, we've gone from just a single objective, which is make $1,000 per month, extra income one year from now. We've gone from from that to actually finding not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, but five times three, so 1515 ideas how to create more income for us. Obviously, some would require more work. Others would maybe require let's say if we're on on these course platforms already.
Maybe it will require a bit more finesse or a bit more promotion on our part. In certain cases, doing just a little bit extra, maybe 10 to 20% extra might yield a significant amount of extra income. So not necessarily extra income doesn't have to come with a lot of a lot of effort. Right? Some some of it might just, as I've said, Come with just a little bit of extra effort. And in terms of job, it's obviously for people it might be their their only option.
And maybe if you're working on commission, then working longer hours might mean more clients. And if you're working on commission, then those Commission's would could potentially reach the thousand dollars per month, extra income mark or maybe you could go past that. And in the end, I just want to thank you for watching this video, hopefully all of these steps will help you along the way. It's been really fun creating this course for you. And I'll see you in another amount of one of these courses. So thanks again for watch.