Just before we go any further, I just want to talk a little bit about virtual DOM, it's going to be a very small lecture. So virtual DOM is kind of a technology or a concept that is used in view to manipulate the actual DOM. So Dom means Document Object Model, right? So what essentially this Dom means is that whatever you see on your screen is the DOM. So all the elements, the p tag, HTML, all these commands to the DOM. So view uses something called as virtual DOM.
So this concept is very much common. So another framework, which uses the virtual DOM is react. So Angular also has kind of a virtual DOM, but it's exactly not virtual DOM. It has its own implementation of it. So but keeping it aside, what is virtual Dom actually does is it's kind of a blueprint. So for example, imagine if you have a big box right?
And inside his box, you have smaller and smaller bricks, and you want to arrange all the bricks into a certain order. So to do that efficiently, you arrange the bricks only when they are not in order. So you will leave the bricks which are in order, and you'll just only move the brakes which are not in order. So this is something very similar that what works Dom does, it only updates the DOM on the parts, which is required. So it doesn't update the whole DOM, it kind of like updates it only when it is required, meaning when we are changing stuff on the DOM, the virtual Dom can be edited very, very quickly. Then later, during the rendering part, virtual Dom figures out what components or what parts of the actual Dom needs to be changed, then changes only that part.
So essentially making it a lot lightweight and efficient approach. So you don't need to worry that much about virtual DOM. This is something that happens in the background. And you takes care most of that. But the thing is that it's good to know that a thing like virtual Dom exists, and that's what controlling your DOM. Alright, before we go any further, these are the links.
So for the watsapp group, it's rebrand.li, slash MBK, WhatsApp, and for the GitHub repository with all the code will be hosted for each and every lecture. It's rebrand or device slash Amica. GitHub. So in the whatsapp group, you can text me and you can ask questions. So that's it. I'll see you the next one.