Hi guys, in this lesson, we will implement application properties for ourselves. First of all to set application name we will use spring application name property. Secondly, to set our port number, we will use server that thought we will ignore some headers which Zoo For example, access control ello credentials and access control, no origin. Also, we want to pass Heather's to sub micro services in gateway. For example, we will pass login authorization, Heather very then we'll We'll describe our routes. gateway prefix VOB API, user service API path.
We'll start with API users. Cool service API path. We'll start with API curse. So we can understand from here, if a request starts with API calls Zoo will be directed to call service. If a request starts with API uses, Zoo will redirect you to user serves. Zoo gateway service will be also discoverable service to enable Eureka client.
First of all, we should create a configuration. First of all, we will describe your local zone. Later we will describe your local instance features. You know the instance is a single instance of a micro service every instance needs to relieve its lease to euro servers with frequency. We can also customize expired time of instance iraq also supports a lot Okay, that's all about properties. Thank you