Production. Oh, the most important part, this is where the hard work starts. So you have your idea, the client says, Yes, we like that idea, make it happen. Now I am fortunate enough to have an incredible database of producers, which I built up over a 20 year period, you know, from, from all over the world from all different disciplines of creativity and production. And I hold those people very close and I cherish them. I have one particular production person I work with who I am very happy to connect anybody with the email me.
And she has worked with me for 16 years here, here in New York, and all around the world, actually. And she's amazing. She's incredibly detail orientated, which is what you want. What I want as a creative person is I never want to hear that production person say, Oh, you can't do that. That's too difficult. It's gonna be a real hassle to do you know, I don't like that response.
What I like to hear is Huh, how can we make this work? What do we need to do to make that idea happen? Of course, some ideas are just beyond the scope of reality. But, you know, if Elon Musk can get a car, flying through space towards an asteroid belt, then I think pretty much most production that you can think of can be realized. If you have enough time and money, of course, which are the two, the two sort of sticks. That kind of, you know, restraining the sticks restrained Floyd is that this is not the metaphor you want.
More like the rails that keep your idea moving forward. It's time and money. But let's presume that you have enough time and you have enough money to realize the idea then you're off to the races. So partner with good production people is the number one rule. I trust my production people are the ones that I have. But if you're just starting out and you haven't done this before, I would highly recommend that you go to three or four suppliers or vendors and ask them for a quote and an approach of how they would do the project.
And use your instincts. Look at their website, do your research, ask their clients, ask whoever you can, who has some connection with that agency or person and just make sure that they are right for the job. Some people are very good at one thing and not very good at another. That's fine. Just be polite. always respond to your vendors questions.
If they're not getting the work, have the manners just to let them know and try and let them know why if there was a reason that's going to be useful for them, feedbacks really, really important. So triple bid if you can, or if you just have someone in mind or you're doing it yourself, then obviously, you need to just go with your instincts there. One thing I will say about production, nearly all production that I deal with will have some some some aspect of staffing, who will be interacting with the audience and my golden piece of advice that one second piece of it You will get today is never ever skimp on staffing do not pay for cheap promotional staff or brand ambassadors as often known and kind of the industry brand ambassador is actually kind of jargon I guess that I really like. I think it kind of says what they are, you know, you can have a great budget, you've produced a brilliant idea your production company have created something that looks great.
Everyone's very proud. And then you have just one one stroppy member of staff. Someone who's unprofessional says something that's counter to your brand values is rude, doesn't know that stuff. Doesn't look correct, whatever it is, you know, they're gonna ruin it. And it's so easy to avoid, and you avoid that by paying decent salaries, or decent money to your staff. That's really, really important.
Do not cut corners there. And once you have the good staff, trained them well. You know, they need to brief they need to be trained, they need time to understand on what's going on and, you know, rehearsals are very useful. All these things are, are kind of basic, to be honest with you but so often I see people fall down. Some of the biggest brands in the world fall down because they have not got the right staff. So get the right staff