Okay, so you now know clearly, what's important to you. Let's put this on the paper with your long term goals. I like to start with the end in mind, as I said. So the first section of the life compacts where you start to actually write down goals is about your long term goals. What I like to do is your goals for this year. So what do you want to accomplish by the end of this year?
And then I like to project myself way, way, way further. So usually, five years from now. And I put the middle section which is halfway between today, the end of this year, and in five years, where should I be? So start by documenting those. Be bold. Allow yourself to dream?
Yeah. Because, again, if you don't ask for something, if you don't project yourself in achieving something outstanding, you're surely not going to get They're so allow yourself to be bold and to dream and to be generous with yourself. And this is the moment where you start to feel the commitment. Yeah, by putting it down in your life compass, you will feel the difference. You're starting to make them we'll remember, those goals must be very specific. Make sure that you have a deadline, and that they're really relevant for you and connected with your personal mission statements.
The life compass will build section of a section will build on the rest of you've done previously. So now focus on your long term goal, and I see you at the next step.