Hi, everybody. Oh what I mean speaking of the Latin language and heard leaves might have different clients. I'll draw some kind of landscape to give an example how it works. It is very easy to understand me of this hieroglyphs because we are built on the logic. This is one over above this line, I plant distant forest. Trees are growing up, right, so I use vertical lines.
It looks quite natural to them. on the roads, I draw the shark. I do it with horizontal lines because the shark is built over horizontal layers of tree stems and some lines to show the window and Through and additional photo of a shark. When I drove which really closer to us the more details the stem I drove if two lines and I add further like lines to show the branches, these land just show direction of main branches. I had a couple of trees further from us. Difference is only in thickness of stems.
I drove them the only one line and now I add some kind of perspective to show depth in the landscape. I draw the lines of grass, the grass in the distance I see like flat uniform surface. closer I see it like little lines and in front of me I see separate blades of grass. So I draw a horizontal line Give little zigzags, I show decent grass. And in our line the bigger zigzags for grass closer to us. In one more and vigorous in front of us I drove with big zigzags raising the pencil a little farther.
Out landscape is ready. The made it with few lines using plain language to describe objects. Let's try our example it will be city landscape. About the light of the earth I put a rectangle made of vertical lines. It depicts a toe billion vertical lines accentuate its tonus. close to it, I draw a long building using horizontal lines, and one more rectangle and more and now we have a lot Billions billions clauses to us.
I draw some details, roofs windows. Now I throw a few horizontal lines beneath my buildings to show a road and sidewalks. I plant some trees and put some cars on the road. Again, just a few lines. And finally, these thin and short vertical lines. I draw terrain is human fingers.
Now landscape is raging. It is small and laconic but informative. So, now you know what I mean speaking overlain language, and currently it's made up of different clients. On this video I use for examples, imaginary landscapes, you can try to invent your own imaginary landscapes using this same approach. On the next video, I will show you how to use plain language in case of a real landscape. See you soon bye bye