Greetings, I'm Professor Kay. And in this short video presentation, we're going to see how we can go about renaming our server or our computer using PowerShell. Let's begin this process by going to the start button. Let's click on the tile that says Windows PowerShell. So I'm going to go ahead and bring up another utility real quick called s config. Now you normally see us using this when we're up inside of a installation of Server Core.
But we can also use this from the desktop just by launching it just as you saw me do. So the first thing I want to do is go ahead and rename this machine to a more user friendly name. So let's go ahead and check option number two, hit enter. Now I can type in my new computer name. I'm going to stay to my computer naming convention and I'm going to call this DC one. I'm gonna hit Enter.
And lets me know that I got to restart this machine for this change to take effect. I'm going to go ahead and say yes, so when we come back up here We'll look at another way we can use PowerShell with the command let to rename our server. So let's see how we can actually rename this machine using the PowerShell and the command lit. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to the start button here, I'm going to find that PowerShell tile, I'm gonna right click, I'm gonna run as administrator. Now this time, we type in rename dash computer, that is the name of the command let you give it a space. The switch that we're going to use is new name, space, the name of the server space that restart.
So let's go ahead and hit Enter. And immediately it's going to rename, restart the computer and when we come back up, our machine will be renamed It's that easy using the PowerShell. Now to check the name of our computer from the command line, we can just right click on the start button. And from here we can open up PowerShell and we can just use the hostname command and you'll see the name of the computer is now SRV 01 Now if I would like to rename this computer back to DC one, I can just use my up arrow, I'm gonna move on over to where the name of the computer is. I'm gonna delete the SRV one, and I will type in DC one and hit Enter. And again, it's going to automatically restart when it comes back up, my machine will be back to being DC one.
That's going to conclude this short video presentation on how we go about renaming our server or our computer using PowerShell. Now if you have any questions or concerns about any of the information that was presented to you in this short video, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact your instructor and I'll see you in my next video.