How do you remember what stories to use in a presentation? Well, I advice is, don't try to remember. That's extra work. When you're speaking in front of people, you're feeling stress. And when your body's feeling stress, your brain is shutting down because your body is pulsating with adrenaline. And it's telling you get ready to run.
That's the worst time but extra stress on your memory. So my recommendation is cheat. I just use a simple cheat sheet. Here's a checklist. This has 23 elements. These are 23 stories in points if I'm going to give an hour long keynote speech.
I have several of these around the room. I've made the font large enough so that I don't have to put any glasses on and off and do all that stuff. And that way, I don't have to remember anything. I can just glance down at my notes from time to time and I know exactly what story to talk about. About next