Traditional whereas, now, when we can have basic understanding on each approach, let's comparison. So, the first point is sequential and we see yes to traditional approach, because as long as we know traditional approach are present and number four it says groups and each process group should start only after the previous one is finished, there is strong sequential relations between process groups and we say yes here for traditional approach in a jail No, because as long as we know the process of groups are interact humans they want to duration in the gel and there is no sequential relationship between process groups. So, no foreign gel The next point is flexible. traditional approach is not flexible and we are saying no, and the reason is why because, in traditional approach we are strictly follows the sequential relation of the process group That's one point. And another point is that in traditional approach, we are sticking to the entire plan.
So we're not flexible from the moment when we have plan defined. In the gel, we're flexible, there is no relation between process groups. We can use them all at once all or together, there is close interaction between them. And we're not limited by entire plan. So we have only a limited plan for a small piece of deliverable hands. That's all we're flexible and lightweight, friendly to change known to traditional approach, once again, as long as we have an entire plan created.
From that moment, we are not flexible, because any change to the entire plan will cause risk analysis, which will actually cost a lot of time, effort and money and therefore zc does not actually get priced in traditional approach. So no change basically. And we are sticking to the plan. We are not flexible as to wait in a gel yes because we do limited plan for a particular deliverable. And as long as we reach his deliverable we can analyze the sinks and improve Sampson adjust something to our plan and change Thompson were flexible in that way. Defined requirements yes to traditional approach, because entire plan could not happen until you define all the requirements and no jail because you could start practically with a limited number of requirements.
So not all jail. deliver quality products, yes to traditional approach because normally no Normally, in traditional approach, your quality questions should be addressed, as they actually should be addressed in scope of an entire plan. And yes or no for john, because in this case, it's very dependent on particular company organization or teams that use a gel approach. Some of them could address the quality equation on where fellow bonds Azur could reject the quality equation, for whatever reason, continually evolving, no to traditional approach, fairly sometimes even traditional approach to the world. But that's very rare cases. Normally No.
And yes to agile because the philosophy of agile approach is to constantly improve constantly, be more efficient. And normally, almost after each iteration team will sit together and we'll analyze their workflow, their impediments, what can be improved, what can be addressed? And we'll try to be better to fix something. So we're saying that yes, Giorgio, we are trying to evolve and you're trying to be better. rigorous workflow. Yes do traditional approach and no to agile, we're flexible.
So it's some kind of connections with process groups. And in a gel we have no fix it workflow is very dependent. Customer involvement, low traditional approach. Customer involvement could be even high in traditional operation, but until the moment when you have the plan, created and completed, right after that, the customer involvement will significantly decrease. And this will not happen in jail because our To reach duration, customer will need to explore and analyze the deliverable and provides a feedback. So there's close collaboration in the gel between the customer and someone who actually execute the project.
And this actually continues not for a limited time, but that's how the site's customer and someone could execute worse. So collaboration, you know, zero is a very high and customer involvement is also high because of it. Time to discover the problems, how long can traditional approach because once again, if we made a mistake in our plan, there is a big chance that we will not know about this mistake until we finish the entire project. And in a jail, that's not the case because after each deliverable, which should be punished reusable for production or for is the market. In other words, we can actually discover the mistake or problem much more faster and fix it with less dime if words in mind is spent so short and on jail funding according to the plan in traditional approach, so there is a plan one budget should be spent and you know, jail on demand on demand, it's actually very friendly to the customer because customer will need to pay only value delivered features as it's why we are saying on demand.
Is that was a comparison chart between these two major approaches. I hope you have even much more better understanding now. Now let's continue learning and let's move on